Petition Sites

Help the cause sign and share a petition

Click on a text link below to sign a petition
Click on the Petition site image to create your own petition
See our HELP section on the bottom BEFORE you create a petition

E-petitions can be very effective, but don’t put them in the hands of government

Suggestions for a successful Petition:
Petitions can be shared via email, social media, messaging and word of mouth.
Always include in the Title the following:

Example of an incomplete title for a petition
Remove the corrupt judge from our case

Example of a better and more effective title for a petition
Remove Hollywood Florida Corrupt Judge Jack Jone who helped destroy our mother’s life.

Including the above in a short clear title will increase your chances greatly in Google searches and get more signers due to more impact.

Example of an effective (Attention grabbing) image
help stop petition image example

Not all petition sites are the same



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