And Justice for All? An American Illusion: My Life As A Freedom Fighter

And Justice for All An American Illusion My Life As A Freedom Fighter

Americans are living in the “Land of Make Believe.” That’s what Freedom Fighter, Rights Activist and Whistleblower, Cheryl A. Kennedy discovered while going through an amicable divorce in 2004 that turned into a horrible nightmare. She found herself fighting back against brutal gangs comprised of corrupt judges and attorneys, insurance company representatives and criminally-organized judicial regulatory agencies who fabricated numerous cover-ups. Since NO oversight existed, she contacted NO Jurisdictional political Honest Service Fraud stooges that were running the State of California and New York, Congress, the F.B.I, the Judiciary and U.S. Department of Justice. She was granted a fraud ruling against a biased mediator, an attorney who misrepresented her. Because she was continually victimized and traumatized by cover-ups and violations of her rights, in 2008 she subpoenaed Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to a jury trial that was denied (a violation of her Constitutional Rights) and later subpoenaed Attorney General Jerry Brown. This California Fraud on the Court crime led to an unlawful foreclosure of her private property in the State of New York. As her fight for justice continued, an increasing number of crooks, crimes and officials abused the power of their offices. Kennedy encountered other victims of Court crime and exposed their cases to assist them. The Government’s and Courts’ intent to destroy the lives of Americans and their families trickled down from the Bush and Clinton Administrations and the usurped terroristic traitor DEFACTO Government infrastructure that has existed for many years in America. Educated by a lucrative Wall Street career, she explains the intentionally plotted and planned banking foreclosure derivative debacle (the 2008 Recession) and other deliberate failures. Our American Republic is being destroyed from within by government employees for the creation of the New World Order. Mainstream media… Read More


Corrupt Multnomah County District Attorney‘s Office

Work in Progress Claims of gender bias at Multnomah District Attorney‘s Office Last week, an attorney at the Multnomah District Attorney’s Office, Amber Kinney, submitted her letter of resignation to her boss, Mike Schmidt, who was elected in 2020 on his platform of criminal justice system reform and police accountability. Kinney explained that she was not quitting because of any “philosophical differences” with Schmidt’s policies — for which he was elected in a landslide — but rather due to her workload and his gender discrimination, which she stated had impacted the promotion and retention of women prosecutors. Kinney noted that the problem of gender discrimination predated Schmidt’s arrival at the office, but asserted that it had worsened under him — even going so far as to claim that “women’s forward progress” had been “set back decades” under his leadership. She included statistics in her letter to support her allegations: Women mostly have not been hired or promoted into leadership roles under Schmidt; and of the people who have resigned since Schmidt’s election, the majority were women. Those stats appear compelling at a glance, but Kinney’s data was produced in a relatively small office (77 attorneys) during an atypical period of time (Covid, Portland protests, absolute mess left after the dramatic resignation of Schmidt’s predecessor, etc.).¹ Under those conditions, it wouldn’t take much to skew the numbers dramatically and lead to a faulty hypothesis. More significantly, Kinney cannot speak for the other women who resigned. Regardless, the interesting part of Kinney’s letter — which the Oregonian wisely chose to exclude from its article about her departure — was her suggestion of work accommodations for women: “Increased workloads disproportionately impact women. Women, especially those of us who are also mothers, are often tasked with much of the domestic responsibilities in addition to… Read More