ISRAEL 101, What happened and the truth about Israel

Everything you wanted to know about Israel but was afraid to ask or threatened

Israel 101 Everything about Israel has to do with, our courts are being controlled as well the Legal Bar If you’re only getting your Gaza and info from Israel, you’re being lied to because everyone know the Israeli Army is censoring and controlling the narrative. Israel is therefore baseless and blatant lying to the Israel public in hopes of using the people to finish the genocide that has been planned and in progress for decades. Almost everything you’ve been told about Hamas from Israel is a lie. The first thing you need to ask yourself is “how did Israel come in to possession of all of it’s land when it was already occupied by the Palestinians for over a century” while Israel has no history prior to 1948. Israels game is to paint the victim “the Palestinians” as terrorists, when 2-3 of Israels Prime ministers were in fact Terrorists themselves. Israelis don’t want to accept that Israel has been the one that is raping hostages, sodomizing them, starving them, torturing and beating them, with many being murdered. As well, Israel has randomly been launching the missiles, bombing, blowing up, assassinating Palestinians by the thousands for decades. Palestinians have been occupied by Israel and has a right to fight back as a resistance force, which is Hamas and Hezbollah. Both these defense forces have the right to fight back as well do countries like Iran due to the assassinations and unprovoked bombings and attacks of Iran. Israel lies about everything, but it’s difficult for Israelis and Jews worldwide to accept their beloved homeland was in fact stolen and a huge number of native people were illegally murdered to steal what today is Israel. Jews worldwide who back this genocide and stealing… Read More



The problem with Israel is its history of lies, starting wars and assassinations to create a false narrative to steal land and play victim

How we conveniently ignore the ‘terrorists’ among our allies Before they were prime minister, two Israelis were leaders of violent political movements that killed innocent people. The term “terrorist” often gets used as a general-purpose epithet intended to consign a disliked state or group to perpetual isolation and punishment. Used in this way, the label of “terrorist” becomes a substitute for careful analysis of policy toward the state or group in question. Usually, the object of the labeling has indeed used terrorism — but so have many others who don’t get labeled the same way and may even be treated as friends and allies. If the operative notion is “once a terrorist, always a terrorist,” then there are many shady histories that warrant examination. Consider, for example, as Benjamin Netanyahu — who has flung the “terrorist” label at least as freely as anyone else — is finally being pushed out of the prime minister’s job in Israel, the histories of some of his predecessors. Menachem Begin, who held that job in the late 1970s and early 1980s — longer than anyone except Netanyahu, David Ben-Gurion, and Yitzhak Rabin — had an earlier career as a hard-core terrorist. As leader of the Irgun group during World War II, Begin conducted a campaign of attacks, focused principally on British government and police targets, intended to drive the British out of Palestine — while Britain was busy waging a war against the Nazis. Begin’s terrorist campaign continued after the war. His group’s most spectacular operation was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, killing 91 persons and injuring 46. The list of victims went far beyond the British administrators who were the purported targets and included people of multiple… Read More