September 6 2023 A Day of Infamy for Justice in America

Vote no or live under a corrupt judicial system Governor Gavin Newsom did not support Los Angeles California Dr Richard I Fine bill amend SBX 2 11 to hold judges accountable

A bold headline! What does it mean? September 6, 2023, is the last day that the California Legislature can amend pending California Assembly Judicial Committee Bill AB 1756, “Omnibus Judicial Legislation” to end thirty-seven (37) years of judicial corruption depriving California citizens and residents due process and an honest judicial system. The judiciary illegally accepted approximately $1-1.1 billion from California counties and courts, in violation of the California Penal Code’s “bribe” and related sections, and the federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. Section 1346 – “The Intangible Right to Honest Services” under which “Bribery” is an element to prove. The California Legislature has refused to stop the corruption for thirty-seven (37) years: (1) since 1985 when the “illegal payments” began; (2) 2000 when Richard I. Fine “discovered” the hidden illegal payments and exposed them in court documents; (3) 2008 when the California Court of Appeal held the payments violated the California Constitution; (4) immediately followed by 2009 when the California Judicial Council, the courts and the judges prevailed upon Darryl Steinberg, President pro Tempore of the California State Senate to falsely claim an Emergency Session of the State Legislature and pass SBX 2 11 in seven (7) days to reinstate the illegal payments on an “interim basis” and give the California Superior Court judges who accepted illegal payments and the counties and courts and employees who made the illegal payments, “retroactive immunity from California Criminal Prosecution, Civil Liability and Discipline” which Governor Schwarzenegger immediately signed; (5) 2010 when the California Court of Appeal ruled it was only the Legislature who could stop the illegal payments; and (6) 2015 when the California Court of Appeal again stated it was only the Legislature who could stop the illegal payments. Commencing in 2020-2021, Richard… Read More


Corrupt Lawyer Darrell Steven Steinberg

Darrell Steven Steinberg #114583 License Status: Active Address: City of Sacramento – Office of the Mayor, 915 I St Fl 5, Sacramento, CA 95814-2622 Phone: 916-808-5882 License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History All changes of license status due to nondisciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions. Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action Darrel Steven Steinberg wrote illegal SBX211 in 2009 making it legal for California Judges to accept bribes as well retroactively Present Active 12/3/1984 Admitted to the State Bar of California Darrell Steinberg is Mayor of Sacramento, California. Steinberg took office December 13, 2016. Steinberg’s term ends December 15, 2024. Darrell Steinberg ran for re-election as Mayor of Sacramento, California. Darrell Steinberg won the general election March 3, 2020. Before becoming mayor, Darrell Steinberg served as a Democrat for California State Senate, representing District 6, 2006 to 2014. He served as president pro tempore from 2008 to 2014 in the Senate. Darrell Steinberg served as a member of California State Assembly, 1998 to 2004. As a member of the California State Legislature, Darrell Steinberg authored Proposition 63, Mental Health Services Act, which voters approved in 2004, imposed 1 percent income tax on personal income in excess of $1 million funding California Department of Mental Health’s programs U.S. Senate See: United States Senate election California, 2016 Darrell Steinberg initially considered a candidate in the 2016 election for U.S. Senate, representing California. However, he endorsed Kamala Harris February 5, 2015. REPEAL SBX211 AND GIVE THE COURTS BACK TO THE PEOPLE Retro active immunity is unconstitutional SECTION FROM SBX211 This bill would provide that no governmental entity, or officer or employee of a governmental entity, shall incur any liability or be subject to prosecution or disciplinary action because of benefits provided to a… Read More