Corrupt The Sanborn Team

Nancy Sanborn – Executive Director DRE# 00771096 Brian A. Joy DRE# 01324371 Melissa Grant DRE# 01939189 Brenda Solis DRE# 01959263 Danny Chaney DRE# 02030600 Matias Baker Masucci SRES® DRE# 02054763 VIDEO Have You Met The Sanborn Team? The Sanborn Team for Attorneys and Fiduciaries Probate: How to Overbid on Real Property Probate How to Choose a Team This property Company is fed properties via Aviva K. Bobb They also have been sponsors for Aviva K. Bobb events and seminars which is a huge conflict of interest The Sanborn Team is committed to the communities that it serves. One of the ways we demonstrate that commitment is by providing sponsorship support to professional associations that offer important services to the probate and trust sales industry. The Sanborn Team is proud to sponsor the work of the following groups: Professional Fiduciary Association of California (PFAC) Beverly Hills Bar Association Trust & Estates Section Beverly Hills Bar Association Elder Law Section   Read More


Canadian mom seeks charges against California judge for kidnapping son

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Tamara Hall orders to kidnapping a child from Canada to California Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Tamara Hall Kidnapping Orders The terrifying, hand-written orders included “no visits to respondent” and there was no indication where the child would be taken since the father only had a UPS mailbox in California. To start, Judge Tamara Hall did not have jurisdiction to hear the father’s Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, that he filed on May 19 2015, because neither party met the residency requirements to obtain a judgement for a Dissolution of Marriage in California. The couple shared a sole family residence in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada with their 3-year-old child for over a year, they did not have a residence in California and they were not legally separated. When the father filed for emergency child custody orders two weeks later on June 5 2015, demanding instant sole legal custody of the three-year-old boy, no-contact with the mother, and the authorization to seize the child from another country without notice or opportunity to be heard, Judge Tamara Hall was not authorized to issue orders related to child custody matters. According to how the father filled out the Case Assignment Cover Sheet and Declaration Under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act when he filed his Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (only) in Los Angeles California, Judge Tamara Hall had absolutely no legal authority to hear child custody related matters. When Judge Hall issued the illegal kidnapping orders in chambers on June 5 2015, she knew the following information from the court file: The father filed for Dissolution of Marriage two weeks earlier, on May 19 2015. On the Summons, the father listed the mothers… Read More