Lawyer Richard I. Fine

Richard I Fine Exposes Los Angeles County Judical Bribery and Corruption

Los Angeles, CA The sixth State Superior Court Judge, James Chalfant, has stepped down from sitting on the Richard I. Fine case involving the County of Los Angeles. Fine’s Motion to “Null & Void” all of Judge Yaffe’s Orders in the Marina Strand Colony II Homeowners Assn. v County of Los Angeles, including his Civil Contempt of Court, have been sent back to Judge Carolyn Kuhl who is searching for a Judge eligible to sit on Richard Fine’s Motion, but it appears that all the Judges in Los Angeles now realize they have a serious conflict when sitting on cases involving the County of Los Angeles.

LA County Payments Create Conflict:
Judge Carolyn Kuhl was one of five other Judges who have side-stepped from the Richard Fine case involving the County after it was revealed she and the others have been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments from the County of Los Angeles and continue to do so. Although Court officials have declined to respond to Full Disclosure’s inquiry as to how many times Superior Court Judges in Los Angeles had been recused or disqualified from sitting county cases, they do admit that all L A.Judges were recused on the 2006 Sturgeon v County of Los Angeles case where the payments to California Judges was found to be illegal.

The Judges and County officials received retroactive immunity from criminal prosecution in 2009 for their involvement in the illegal payment scheme when Senate Bill SBX 211 was approved by the legislature in the middle of the night without any public debate. This measure promises to be scrutinized as the Judicial conflict controversy escalates.

Appearing in this video are Richard I Fine Ph.D., former U S Prosecutor and Steve Ipsen, Deputy District Attorney who discuss how L A County payments to Judges create a problem of bias when sitting on cases where the County is involved. Judge James Chalfant has received $608,000 from L. A. County according to the County Auditor’s Report obtained by Richard I . Fine who says that the Judge had no choice but to recuse himself from sitting on his Motion to Null and Void all of Judge David Yaffe’s Orders, including his Contempt Order that held Fine In solitary “coercive confinement” for eighteen months in the L A County Jail. Court Documents available from the links below:

Notice of Renewal To Void All Yaffe’s Judgments including the Contempt Proceedings
Notice of Recusal & Renewal Of Motion To Null & Void Yaffe’s Orders 4-25-11
Notice To Null & Void Judge Kuhls Orders 3-9-11

Los Angeles California judicial corruption exposed by richard L Fine
A lawyer who is willing to stand up for justice Richard Fine

Richard Fine
A Californian Lawyer who stood up to an unethical, immoral, dis-honest judge David P. Yaffe who was caught accepting bribes. In efforts to shut up Richard the judge falsely imprisoned Fine for 14 months attempting to scare and shut him up. In the process it was found almost all Los Angeles Superior Court judges have accepted bribes and should be disbarred and prosecuted. Richard Fine Websites FREE Richard Fine Be sure to see all the Richard Fine Videos
Ex-lawyer jailed 14 months, but not charged with a crime
Richard I. Fine… How to Disqualify Your Judge & Get a New Trial: Full Disclosure Network® Online Video
Supreme Court rules against jailed lawyer Richard Fine
Richard Fine, a Champion for Justice, Part 1

Judges Attempt to Disbar RIchard Fine and then Resign (4 of 5)

RIchard Fine Teaches the Public How to Fight Corruption (5 of 5)

The Full Disclosure Network | How To Disqualify Your Judge

Congressional Testimony: Dr. Richard Fine to Bill Windsor of Lawless America

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