GET YOUR ABUSE LISTED NOW, DON’T LET THE JUDGES HIDE THEIR CRIMES You can make a difference, share this post by using the share options. Make sure your Judicial Abuse case gets listed by County and State. List your info anonymously or in detail so fellow victims and activists and help network you with the other nationwide court victims. CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR CASE NOW Join the Community of COURT VICTIMS HERE NOW It’s a fact that judges hide bribery, fraud, denial of due process and fraud upon the court in every city and state in America. Los Angeles Dr. Richard I. Fine proved that over 90% of California judges are accepting bribes to not rule in favor. The government and law enforcement do nothing to protect the public. The FBI and DOJ ignore millions of victims every year to allow the judges and lawyers to profit from the lack of accountability and prosecution. Check out Reuters Investigative story on how judges are never prosecuted “Absolute Power Corrupts absolutely” SEE THE TEFLON ROBE by Reuters Check out HOW EASY IT IS TO BRIBE A JUDGE & HOW TO RESEARCH A JUDGES FINANCES Read More