Corrupt Ann Yela Fiduciary Services

Victims Susan King Ruth Huglin ABUSIVE JUDGES Corrupt Chief Probate Justice Patrick William Henry Conservator Ann Yela Exposed Clackamas County, OR – It appears that Ann Yela of Yela Fiduciary Services (formerly Farley Piazza) is up to her same old allegedly unethical practices. Since our last article in May 2017 more families have come forward with complaints about Yela. Ann Yela is a “professional” guardian/conservator appointed by the court to take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. This gives her total control over the person and their finances, making them a “protected person also called a ward.” Yela’s wards are typically wealthy elderly individuals. Professional Guardians and Conservators are supposed to be “held to a higher standard,” as they are appointed by the court. Although, as recently as August of 2019, Attorney Steven Cade on behalf of Ruth Huglin filed multiple motions against attorneys Kenneth L. Baker, Nathan A. Rudolph and Ann Yela as conservators. It is alleged that together they perpetrated a fraud upon the court, Ruth Huglin and her daughter Ronda Butler. Cade filed a Motion to Vacate Judgment Appointing Conservator Ann Yela as conservator for Huglin. Cade sites in the Motion “the judgment was procured through fraud and was entered without jurisdiction and therefore should be set aside.” Cade states that Baker committed fraud against Huglin’s daughter by “serving fraudulent notices on the persons entitled to notice.” Really troubling is the fact that Huglin did not need or want a conservator, let alone one with Yela’s reputation. Huglin attempted to stop Yela by filing an objection with the court. However, Baker and another attorney reportedly filed to withdraw Huglins’ objection without her knowledge or consent. Cade states, “In fact, neither lawyer had authority to… Read More


Legal Abuse Syndrome: A Preventable Public Health Problem

California Dr Karen Huffer Legal Abuse syndrome the book

If you’ve ever felt abused by the legal system, or had a friend or family member suffer traumatic stress having to go to court, then you will love this book. The eight-steps outlined in this book address the needs of litigants suffering extreme stress in court.Abuses typically observed are: the legal system being used as a weapon, i.e. one spouse using the court to punish the other in divorce proceedings; courts used for foreclosures and other transfers of property or assets unlawfully; false accusations and lying to the extent of fraud on the tribunal; threat of court used to bully, intimidate, harass and impoverish to cause a win by attrition. These methods destroy one’s ability to defend and protect themselves or to afford representation and costs of litigation. In this book are unique, step-by-step insightful ways to learn how to navigate the system and not feel bullied, tricked, or defeated again. In fact, properly used, the judicial system provides ways to help you by cooperation with accommodations through federal mandates. If you have been injured by the experience or are sick, suffering with invisible disabilities you will learn how to cope more effectively even in these adversarial challenging situations. To Learn more, please visit: Protracted Litigation can be hazardous to yur health. Legal Abuse Syndrome is an insightful book that offers numerous case studies on the invisible cumulative stressors from dealing with the justice systems. This book can be used as a self-help manual or a guide for legal and health professionals. The methods outlined for dealing with losses and grief during litigation have been found to be sound and meeting the standards of managed care. The victimization felt by the court system is well documented and validates those… Read More