600 Day Challenge to Guardian Mary Werner, Judge Oscar Kazen & Mayor of Shavano Park Bob Werner

Guardian Mary Werner, Judge Oscar Kazen & Mayor Bob Werner – Charlie Thrash’s family & friends challenge you:

Do not set a 600 day record of
keeping Charlie & Laura apart!
Force us to remove this counter
by allowing Charlie visitors

1. Allow Charlie to visit with his common-law wife, Laura; Martinez-Thrash
2. Allow Charlie to visit with his adult adopted children Brittany, Michelle and Joe;
3. Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Billy Duncan;
4. Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Warren Jennings.

Each visit to be for 4 hours, unsupervised, without Mary Werner’s presence.
After nearly 600 days of isolation from his wife, children & friends,
it’s the least the court could do, to allow a smidgen of humanity to enter Charlie’s life.

We, family & friends of Charlie Thrash, ask Judge Oscar Kazen to instruct his appointee, Guardian Mary Werner, to allow Charlie to visit with his common-law wife, Laura Martinez-Thrash; Allow Charlie to visit with his adult adopted children Brittany, Joe, and Michelle; Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Billy Duncan; and Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Warren Jennings. This will stop the ever-escalating number of utterly shameful days that Judge Oscar Kazen and his chosen guardian of Charlie, Mary Werner abuse their power, and mentally & emotionally torment Charlie by cruelly denying Charlie the companionship Charlie chose for himself, before Mary & Oscar took away Charlie’s freedom, and seized Charlie’s estimated $3,000,000 in assets.

Let us not forget that the documented reason Charlie Thrash’s guardianship was created by then-Probate Judge Tom Rickhoff, was to allow $2,850,000 (95% of Charlie’s total assets, as is implied in §1155.003) to be available to the Guardian, Mary Werner, her attorney Barrett Ship, and now her husband, Robert Werner, along with the four lawyers at CKL-Lawyers.com (Laura Cavaretta, Les Katona Jr, Bill Leighner and Karen Andersen) and the lawyers at the Bowen Partners (two-2), to have that money available for their legal fees, which pay to keep Charlie in the guardianship, while simultaneously failing to following Texas Estates Code §1151.351, The Bill of Rights for Persons under Guardianship, clauses

(2) to have a guardianship that encourages the development or maintenance of maximum self-reliance and independence in the ward with the eventual goal, if possible, of self-sufficiency;

(3) to be treated with respect, consideration, and recognition of the ward’s dignity and individuality; and

(18) to vote in a public election, marry, and retain a license to operate a motor vehicle, unless restricted by the court; and most other clauses of the Texas Estates Code §1151.351, The Bill of Rights for Persons under Guardianship.

Mary Werner has made the decision, as Charlie’s Guardian, which is her legal right – a legal right given to Mary by Probate Judge Oscar Kazen, to isolate Charlie from his spouse, children and friends – the very set of people who Charlie had chosen to surround himself with; the very set of people that were so important on a daily, if not hourly basis to Charlie, previous to his eviction from his home at 310 Harvard Oak, Shavano Park, TX 78230, on March 6, 2029, which followed Charlie’s conscription into the guardianship of Mary Werner, on Jan 29, 2019.

All of what we believe is Charlie’s legal entrapment into Mary Werner’s guardianship is based on the court orders issued by Mary and her husband, Mayor of Shavano Park (pop. 3,926) Bob Werner’s neighbor, and the Werner’s chosen candidate for Probate Judge for all of Bexar County’s approximately 2,000,000 residents, Oscar Kazen.

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