Doctor Richard I. Fine Vote for Justice Videos

Vote4Justice – Introduction Dr. Richard I. Fine explains how for the first time through a single web site: (1) you can expose, fight and solve judicial corruption; (2) directly contact your county, state and federal representatives; (3) demand that they take action; and (4) inform them that you will vote them out at the next election if they refuse. Vote for Justice – Richard Fine/Judicial Corruption. The story of Richard Fine’s fight against Corruption in the California and Federal Judiciary resulting in the formation of the Campaign for Judicial Integrity. Campaign for Judicial Integrity The story of Dr. Richard I. Fine, his fight against corruption in both the California and Federal judiciary and the resulting formation of the Campaign for Judicial Integrity. Consequences of Judicial Corruption-Case Study Vote4Justice- Dr. Richard I. Fine Interview of William Goble. William Goble’s case demonstrates that no one can get a fair trial before Judges who receive illegal payments and Retroactive Immunity from Criminal Prosecution. William Goble’s Case demonstrates that a Person will Not Get a Fair Trial or a Fair Appellate Court Hearing from Judges who receive Illegal Payments from Counties and Retroactive Immunity from Criminal Prosecution under SBX 211. Instruct your Elected Representatives to END Judicial Corruption. Click on “Take Action Now”. MORE ON DR. RICHARD I. FINE AND AMEND SBX 2 11 Read More