Doctor Richard I. Fine Campaign for Judicial Integrity Videos

A. The Cost of Courage Series – Dr. Richard I. Fine. Dramatic twelve part series of interviews of Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. and others by Leslie Dutton of the Full Disclosure Network. The series commenced with an interview the day before Fine was illegally imprisoned in 18 months of coercive, solitary confinement in the LA County Jail and ended after Fine’s release. The series highlights the corruption in the judicial system and the ways to solve the problem. DISCLOSUREWATCH.US Attorney Richard I. Fine explaining form 700. Disclosure Watch.US Part 2 470 views Jul 7, 2008 Attorney Richard Fine explains the law’s requirement that judges disclose their financial interest. This includes any investment above $1500, and where they are a director or an active participant to the party. There is currently no document or form on which they can disclose such information. Disclosure Watch seeks to pass a law which would require judges to list investments and affiliations on a special form, which would then be filed with the secretary of state. Disclosure Watch Town Hall Meeting Mar 2, 2009 This is a speech by Attorney Richard Fine during a Town Hall meeting in Los Angeles, California on February 26, 2009. Attorney Fine gives details of the criminal complaints that he has filed against the Superior Court Judges in Los Angeles, California who have found a way to take bribes legally. Attorney Fines organization is called Disclosure Watch and their Website address is: Attorney Richard Fine is out of JAIL 11-2010 .. At last. Feb 28, 2009 Richard Fine on the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors on Feb. 24, 2009. It’s time for them to step-down, or may be go to jail! Here is another person having a… Read More