Court Gate Divorced from the Law By Elaine Mickman

Author Elaine Mickman Victim Elaine Mickman Abusers: Judge(s) Lawyers(s) Basic Story: What happens when there’s a “tale of too much corruption” and the judiciary doesn’t apply the law? departs from law?… doesn’t comply with the law?…..abandons the Constitution and law?….inserts their own law?….This true memoir reports the experiences of an unsuspecting woman who encountered court cases where the judiciary was “divorced from the law”. After the court system “asset-stripped” this woman and “perfected injustice”, the court ordered-away and canceled-out her Constitutional Rights to silence her and censor her cases plagued with fraud and “cover-ups” by “gatekeeping” her court-access, amounting to nothing less than a “judicial-hit-job.” The book is intended to inform and educate the public, and “sound an alarm” to prompt positive reform. Detailed version: Elaine Mickan’s Book “Divorced From the Law” Read More


The Wolf at the Door: Undue Influence and Elder Financial Abuse

Wolf the book by Michael Hackard

 In THE WOLF AT THE DOOR, veteran California attorney and elder financial abuse writer Michael Hackard draws from forty years of legal experience to advise families, caregivers, and professionals who work with seniors what elder financial abuse is, how to identify it, and—most importantly—what to do if abuse is suspected. As the baby boomer generation rapidly ages into retirement, elder financial abuse threatens to become a national epidemic. If not addressed early and aggressively, this unique form of exploitation can tear families apart, leaving shattered relationships and depleted bank accounts in its wake. You may not be able to prevent elder financial abuse from happening, but THE WOLF AT THE DOOR will empower you to fight back before it’s too late. Concise and chock-full of practical information, THE WOLF AT THE DOOR is a must-have reference for anyone interested in learning about elder financial abuse and what can be done to combat it. The book is written for a general audience, and it offers case studies, research, and hard-won observations gleaned from a long career representing abuse victims and their loved ones. An index and compact sections make navigation easy, and dozens of end notes direct readers to additional information about elder abuse, undue influence, estate planning and trusts, and more. The net profits from the sale of each copy of THE WOLF AT THE DOOR will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. Review The Wolf at the Door is a down-home, insightful glimpse into a complex and often heart-wrenching form of elder abuse: when loved ones exploit trust and predators prey on the vulnerable. Drawing from decades of experience, Michael Hackard explains the vagaries of predators’ maneuvers and victims’ motivations. The book is replete with anecdotes,… Read More