How our courts are weaponized by judges and lawyers to steal, lie, cheat and rob anyone with money. POA, Trust, Will none of that matters to a corrupt judge In fact millions of court victims are robbed by a fake protective system called “Conservatorship/Guardianship” the words mean nothing because the reality is it’s all about robbing the person who is guarded or conserved, striping them of all their humanly rights (fewer rights than a criminal on death row) Lawyers and the biggest law firms getting rich by using the court for protection against prosecution. Perjury, fraud, over billing and even selling the victim’s homes for pennies then reselling the homes for top dollars. Activist, author and court victim Janet C. Phelan exposed how many of these judges are laundering the bribe monies which is made via property loans to the judge or judge’s family member (which they never pay back) in fact most loans are so big it’s impossible for them to re-pay if you consider their salary. What does the FBI, DOJ or local sheriff or police do when victims report the abuse? Nothing, they say, “It’s a court matter” see the judge. Think about that, if the judge IS THE BIGGEST CRIMINAL in the room, what good does it do. These judges don’t care about law, rules, Canon codes, the conservator’s handbook, ethics or about your loved one’s life. Over medication to the point of death often happen, which shortly after cremation is quickly done (and you can’t stop the court) to hide any toxicology testing or evidence of murder. There are thousands of these dirty judges, too many to even list. Want more proof of how bad the Judicial corruption has become in America? Ask Britney Spears… Read More

Save Rosie from being KILLED from neglect by the Fresno Public Guardian! Free my mother, Rosie Sifuentez, from conservatorship by the Fresno Public Guardian’s Office. Restore her basic “human rights” to be properly cared for and “personal rights” including—but not limited to—the rights to receive visitors, telephone calls, and personal mail. The Fresno Public Guardian was granted conservatorship of my mother (person only) on October 26, 2021. However, they have been negligent in carrying out their duties to follow the most basic guidelines of The Judicial Council’s Handbook for Conservators to ensure that the proper care and the needs of my mother are met. My mother, Rosie, urgently needs to be removed from her home, away from the abusive and neglectful caretakers, Samuel Esqueda (son), Irene Sanchez (daughter) and Raymond Esqueda (grandson), who live with her. She is 80 years old, suffers from dementia, is battling kidney cancer, and has other health issues. The Public Guardian’s Office has violated my mother’s rights and diminished her dignity as a “human being” by allowing her caretakers to place her on the couch or bed to sit, rot away and die while watching television. Although my mother is not paralyzed, she is unable to walk due to the lack of movement, exercise and nutrition that has caused her muscles to atrophy and her body to look like a skeleton. The Public Guardian’s Office as Conservator of my mother has left all the decision-making to her caretakers, all three have criminal records (two have felonies) and all are known drug addicts. The Public Guardian’s office is supposed to follow a code of ethics and a higher standard than even the strict guidelines of The Judicial Council’s Handbook for Conservators, but instead they have transferred… Read More