Campaign Overview – Corruption, Justice Denied and the Solution

THE PAYMENTS In California over 90% of the 2,000 judges received $400 million of ILLEGAL payments from counties or courts for OVER 25 years! These ILLEGAL payments continue today at the rate of $25-30 million a year, corrupting 90% of the 2,000 curent California judges. The effect of the ILLEGAL payments to California judges was to corrupt 90% of all judges sitting on all California courts. U.S. judges protecting the California judges subverted the U.S. judicial system. MORE COUNTIES AFFECTED See the 34 counties where $400 million was ILLEGALLY paid to 90% of the 2,000 California judges for OVER 25 years and where currently $25-30 million each year is ILLEGALLY paid to 90% of the California judges. MORE WHAT YOU CAN DO! You can directly contact your California state, California county and U.S. representatives THROUGH THIS WEBSITE. You can demand that the California representatives: (1) enact the “Fine Amendment” to SBX 2 11 by removing the judges and county supervisors from office who received retroactive immunity from state criminal prosecution under Section 5 of SBX 2 11; and (2) stop all state payments to these judges’ retirement fund. You can demand that the California Attorney General prosecute the judges and county supervisors for current violations of state law. You can demand that county supervisors immediately stop all ILLEGAL county payments to California judges. You can urge the President to institute an Executive Order requiring prosecution of the judges. You can demand that your U.S. Senators and Congressional Representatives institute investigations to determine: (1) why the U.S. Dept. of Justice and IRS did not prosecute the judges; (2) why California counties were receiving U.S. money while making ILLEGAL payments to judges; and (3) whether U.S. payments to California should continue while… Read More