Category: Dr. Richard I. Fine
About The Campaign For Judicial Integrity

The Campaign for Judicial Integrity is a non-partisan grassroots movement and organization comprised of intelligent, dedicated citizens and voters who are concerned about judicial corruption, the decline of the state of the integrity our judiciary and the members of judiciary’s failure to provide a fair and equal judicial system to the American public. Our goal is to ensure that we, and every other person, receive a fair trial in a judicial system free of corruption. We achieve this goal by working to eradicate judicial corruption and to restore and achieve integrity in the judiciary and the administration of justice in the United States and the individual states. We work to increase the public’s awareness of judicial corruption and the danger to our society resulting from the failure of members of the judiciary to obey constitutional provisions, laws, codes of judicial conduct and their oaths of office, which protect our fundamental rights. We “exercise our rights and vote for justice” by voting all elected “corrupt judges” out of office and by petitioning and contacting our elected representatives and government officials, demanding that they take action to eradicate judicial corruption and voting them out of office at their next election if they continue to persist in advocating for judicial corruption by not taking action. There is no opposition to our movement and organization other than the few thousand individual corrupt judges, those who “bribed” the judges and those judicial officers, elected representatives and government officials who acted or are acting in concert with the the corrupt judges to keep them in office. However, they do not have the resouces to overcome the strength and exercise of our combined voter power! The Founder and Chairman of the movement and Campaign for Judicial Integrity… Read More