SUPPORT TAXPAYERS AGAINST GENOCIDE Americans are being robbed by Hollywood, A bribed US Congress, ADL, rich Zionist criminals and a small group of people who are less than 3% of America who are out of control killing women and children to steal yet one more native people’s country via the use of American military support and stolen taxpayer funds in the form of over a trillion dollar. This all started when these evil criminals took over our government and it’s agencies such as the FBI, CIA and NSA. Which allowed the to assassinate 3 Kennedy’s, blow up the Twin towers to get the US to go to war with innocent Iraq which never had any weapons of mass destruction. U.S.S. Liberty and selling American military secrets via a traitor and criminal, Jonathan Pollard. Join Taxpayers Against Genocide (TAG) A Call to All Federal Income Taxpayers in the Greater Bay Area and Northern California Websites: Richmond Progressive Alliance FOLLOW THE PODCASTS: PA 20th Anniversary Video THIS MOVEMENT IS GROWING NATIONWIDE OTHER SIMILAR MOVEMENTS: California Taxpayers File Class Action Lawsuit Against Congressional Reps, Demand Stop to Genocide Funding “We Have to Act”: Taxpayers Suing Congress members for Funding Genocide Speak Out Taxpayers Against Genocide Expands Legal Battle to International Stag Taxpayers Suing US Reps for Funding Genocide A New Track for Taxpayers Against Genocide Class action lawsuit against California Congress members over Gaza genocide goes international Read More



we are created equal civil rights lawyer John H Bryan Attorney at Law

Lawyer John H. Bryan’s YouTube Channel John H. Bryan / Civil Rights Attorney, Constitutional Activist, YouTuber John H. Bryan has been practicing law in West Virginia since 2006, focused on federal civil rights litigation, representing plaintiffs in section 1983 actions against government defendants in cases involving allegations of constitutional violations of individual rights – primarily involving police interactions. His YouTube channel, “The Civil Rights Lawyer,” currently approaching 900,000 subscribers, regularly publishes video content informing and educating the public about civil rights topics. Focusing on individual police interactions nationwide, combining elements of storytelling, investigative journalism and legal analysis, his videos have amassed over 300,000,000 views since 2020. Beyond just information and education, his videos have helped to bring meaningful change and government accountability in communities across the country, resulting in increased transparency, public awareness and civil rights protections for citizens. John was a 2024 recipient of The Governor’s Civil Rights Day Award, “for extraordinary service to the citizens of West Virginia in the battle for absolute equality and civil rights for all.” John received an undergraduate degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida, where he was the defense captain of the nationally ranked UCF Trial Team, winner of the prestigious Yale Invitational Mock Trial Tournament. He attended law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was a member of the national moot court team and was awarded the Gressman and Pollitt Award for outstanding oral advocacy. While in law school, spent a year defending juveniles in Durham, North Carolina with UNC’s criminal law clinic. John also worked as an assistant prosecutor for misdemeanor crimes in Raleigh, North Carolina, trying over thirty criminal cases to verdict. In what would direct the course of his… Read More