Helga Barker Court Victim

Arizona Maricopa County Court Victim Helga Barker daughter Sylvia Winters

Maricopa County Helga Barker Court Victim The DOJ Civil Rights Division phone number is disconnected & my sweet Mom, Helga Barker is being DOSED TO DEATH NOW WITH MORPHINE! It’s FUCKING VICIOUS and EVIL with NO RECOURSE! My brothers could take her out, but NOOOOO! They do not know where to begin or what to do, so poor Helga CANNOT BE SAVED and all the authorities are standing down and allowing all of this MONSTROSITY!!!! This is evidence and proof that conspiracy in Top-down Procedural Law IS REAL! Karen Jensen stop being dumb and saying that RFK, Jr. is a conspiracy NUT! HE is instead a TRUTH TELLER, so listen to him, Karen Jensen. Finally, most of the rest of Americans are understanding, that CONSPIRACIES are real and they are coming THROUGH TOP-DOWN PROCEDURAL LAW—Our second kind of law that governs the USA!This 2nd kind of law is utilized in places of employment, and controls all people wherever they work to be coerced to do things in the course of their employment that are WRONG. Employees will do these WRONGS to keep their jobs, their careers and their licenses, etc.! All for self gain at the expense of others‘ misery! It is a disturbing, sickening system of CORRUPTED LAW! And STILL NO ONE IS CALLING OUT THESE ATROCITY CRIMES AS A FEATURE OF TOP-DOWN PROCEDURAL LAW! Does anyone else know, by now, who makes these top-down procedural laws, please? If anyone else knows who is making these rules, then we could go to those men and women who are making these LAWS (Rules Of POLICY & Procedure.) and make them stop this shit, forever! The people have to do this because all of the authorities are busy standing down TO… Read More


Wayne Faulk Court Victim

Clackamas County Oregon Probate victim wayne faulk abused by Fiduciart Ann Yela

Steve Duin: The curious disappearance of Wayne Faulk Other Victims of Ana Yela Susan King Abusers Ann Yela Fiduciary As the snow piled up last week and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler begged us to be vigilant about our most vulnerable neighbors, people began calling me about Wayne Faulk. He is a gentle 72-year-old, ferociously attached to the 40-acre Oregon City farm where he has lived most of his life. In the years since his parents died, he has made almost daily two-mile walks from that farm to the Redland Store, often picking up cans so he can afford soda pop or a packet of lunchmeat. But after Kenneth Stewart, a Clackamas County circuit judge pro tem, assigned him a limited guardian and conservator in October, Faulk vanished from that daily routine. Because Faulk has for years expressed so much anxiety about leaving the farm, many of his friends and neighbors were frantic. When someone spotted him at the Best Western Rivershore Hotel in Oregon City, 10 people showed up just before Thanksgiving, hoping to talk to Faulk and his caregivers. That didn’t sit well with Ann Yela, the new guardian. When Bob Norton later asked Yela if his family could host Faulk at their home for Christmas dinner, he said, “We were told, ‘Oh, no, we can’t do that. For his safety.’ “The secrecy and hostility is the first red flag,” says Norton, who works for Clackamas Fire District No. 1. “If everything is on the up-and-up, why wouldn’t they allow folks to see him and visit him? Why are we seen as a threat?” Looking for answers, the Redland community called me. They called me because I wrote about Yela’s firm, Farley Piazza LLC, five years ago in the… Read More