Russ Ebert Court Victim
Victim of Corrupt Judge Suzie L. Norby Read More
Victim of Corrupt Judge Suzie L. Norby Read More
Clackamas County Oregon Judge Susie L. Norby Judge Susie L. Norby is a judge on the Clackamas County Circuit Court in Oregon. The court has jurisdiction over Clackamas County and is located within the 5th Judicial District. 2012 election Judge Susie L Norby Judge, Oregon Circuit Court CURRENT POSITION Judge, Oregon Circuit Court TENURE AT CURRENT POSITION 1/2007-PRESENT Oregon Judge Susie L. Norby used a bench as a battering ram to break free from a locked courtroom, causing about $3,000 in damage. Judge Susie Norby offered to pay for the damage out of her own pocket, but a Clackamas County spokesman said the funds will come from the county’s general fund, meaning taxpayers will foot the bill. Norby said her offer was turned down because county officials regarded the cost as negligible, the newspaper reported. “I feel deeply sad to have caused harm to our beautiful and historic building,” Norby told the newspaper. “It is a building I cherish, respect and am proud and grateful to work in.” Rate this Judge to help inform the public Oregon, Portland area and the tri-county courts of Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. Judge Susie Norby has been on the bench since 2007 in Clackamas and happily supports predatory attorneys who draw an unsuspecting public into her control in conservatorship litigation. Norby also did $3,000 of damage to her court’s doors when she locked herself in her office one Sunday in 2018 and used her desk as a battering ram to free herself. No cellphone, no desk phone, and no keys inside your own office? Really? Judge Norby routinely rewards lauded and predatory attorneys like Ken Baker, Richard Pagnano, and Nathan Rudolph in actions to involuntarily conscript wealthy Oregonians into conservatorships. They all have… Read More