05 22 2018 Judge Tom Rickhoff blames Charlie Thrash’s guardianship on Laura’s failure to get a ring from Charlie Seriously
1950s Catholic morality in a 2018 courtroom From 2006, an article from the San Antonio Current indicates Judge Tom Rickhoff has “an improper soft spot for a [male] lawyer…” This would make former Judge Rickhoff, who could find no other less restrictive means than to hand full control of Charlie’s $3 Million’s to yet another of CKL-Lawyers.com clients, a complete hypocritical sack of you-know-what, seeing as Rickhoff lectured Laura that Charlie’s guardianship was all her fault for not having gotten married to Charlie before having sex. The utter contemptible irony of Tom Rickhoff, and his colluding brother, now also voted out of office, former County Clerk Gerry Rickhoff, should make everyone’s stomach turn, given the power these two wielded, and the lives and finances of so many they have destroyed in Rickhoff’s Probate Court, with Gerry’s cover-up in the County Clerk’s office. Disgusting nepotism. Did you know the City of Shavano Park has a strict marriage code that it enforces through Bexar County Probate Court? May 22, 2018 Charlie Thrash Guardianship Hearing where Judge Rickhoff blames Charlie’s guardianship on Frost Bank and APS’s investigations into the actions of a common-law married couple. Charlie Thrash paid cash for his $800,000 Shavano Park house, depriving Frost Bank of its mortgage fees (estimated to be $810,000), as well as denying Frost Bank’s role as gate-keeper of Shavano Park residents, in a new form of mortgage redlining. Failure to comply with Bank’s redlining can cost you your entire estate of $3,000,000 as well as your liberties, and your chosen family. Just ask Charlie…. If Judge Kazen and the Mayor of Shavano Park’s wife, Mary Werner, will allow Charlie to see you…. See what we mean about losing your liberties? May 22, 2018: Judge Tom… Read More