Corrupt Lisa MacCarley

Manhatten Beach California Lisa Marie MacCarley
Questionable Lisa Marie MacCarley #164458

License Status: Active
Address: 700 N Brand Blvd, Ste 240, Glendale, CA 91203-3271
County: Los Angeles County
Phone Number: (818) 241-5800
Fax Number: (818) 241-5895
Email: [email protected]
Law School: Loyola Law School; Los Angeles CA
License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History
Below you will find all changes of license status due to both non-disciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.
Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action
Present Active
6/11/1993 Admitted to The State Bar of California

Note it appears Lisa Marie MacCarley uses several different addresses
Law Officer of Lisa MacCarley
3436 N. Verdugo Road #100
Glendale, CA 91208

Photo below from 2007 Address

Law office ofLisa MacCarley 3436 N. Verdugo Road 100 Glendale CA 91208

Below case exposes Lisa MacCarley had connections with Judge Aviva K. Bobb

Lisa M. MacCarley is involved with a unethical lawyer named Jack Kenneth Conway who was disbarred
for fraud upon the court and other violations. MacCarley was included in the matter

2005 Complaint filed against Judge Bobb in the Marshall Stern Case

MacCarley is also mentioned and exposed in several documents regarding 2005 Victims Rick A. and Donna Ritch regarding Marshall Stern
RICO Filing

MacCaley has also been exposed by a Jose Castenada

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John M.
San Pedro, CA
First to Review

If you’re looking for an attorney to not return your calls and emails…..then LOSE all of your personal information …..look no further.
We hired this hack to sort out some accounts and she lost all of our information. This was a horrible experience!
Her attitude was apathetic and her legal service was a joke. She now works in MB, not Glendale so beware. This woman should be ashamed of herself! If I could give negative stars I would!!!!!

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Posted by John M.
August 18, 2016
We hired Lisa to sort out some.accounts that were left to our children. She lost ALL of our info…SS numbers, bank account numbers, drivers license numbers….EVERYTHING! She was horrible at returning our e-mails and phone calls. The whole experience was horrible. My kid’s identities are totally compromised at this point and we still have no control over the accounts. Lisa was very apathetic to the situation. She went as far as to try and blame the whole debacle on of her employees that has a drinking problem. I would not recommend Lisa for any legal services regardless of how simple they may seem.

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