Make sure to LISTEN IN AND WATCH LIVE “Richard I. Fine” the American lawyer who took a stand against the BAR and the judges in Los Angeles County Superior Court. Richard created a Bill to Amend SBX211 to help the victims. If this bill passes in California with your help it can ALSO BE USED in all the other states with minor alterations. It was designed that way. However we need to pass it and get it into the system for it to work. Please tune in today and share this so we get some change. See this page to view the show Facebook.com/remedyreport/live Today June 23, 2022 at 6:30PM CST Priority Restitution means you’ll be at the top of the list to have your case submitted for restitution for the abuses and violations against you which Amend SBX 2 11 addresses by taking the courts out of the solution. By taking the time to strongly suggest to you state representative to support and pass Amend SBX 2 11 means it has that much more of a chance to be passed and help thousand perhaps millions of victims. Which then can also be used in all the other US states with minor alterations. In fact the bill was written with this concept in mind. MORE MORE INFO ABOUT RICHARD I. FINE’S EXPERIENCE INFO ABOUT RICHARD I. FINE’S CAMPAIGN FOR JUDICIAL INTEGRITY MORE ON DR. RICHARD I. FINE AND AMEND SBX 2 11 Read More

STOP CALIFORNIA’S JUDICIAL CORRUPTION; TELL YOUR LEGISLATOR TO SPONSOR AND VOTE FOR THIS EMERGENCY LEGISLATION I believe this is the first legislation to create an independent commission to oversee a state’s judiciary and directly compensate the victims of judicial misconduct and judicial abuse of power. Please use [email protected] for return communications. These things need to be done quickly, before the new budget is approved. This is emergency legislation to amend SBX 2 11 which was a Budget Trailer bill. For this reason it can be passed quickly. SBX 2 11 was passed in three days and signed by Governor Schwarzenegger. THIS IS WHAT A CORRUPT JUDICIAL SYSTEM DOES TO THE LAWYER WHO EXPOSES THEIR JUDGES’ CORRUPTION MORE VIDEO AND INFO ABOUT RICHARD I. FINE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE This is a bill designed and written by Richard I. Fine an American lawyer and patriot who spent 18 month in jail due to exposing all of the Los Angeles Superior Court judges, ninety (90) percent of Superior Court judges in the State receive the unlawful payments as shown by a Judicial Council Report sent to the Legislature in In 2009, and not updated. Additionally most of the justices on the California Courts of Appeal and Supreme Court received the unlawful payments when they were Superior Court judges. What did California Judges do? They disbarred him, proof that the California judiciary is dishonest and controlled by illegal money paid by counties and courts. Richard I. Fine, Doctor of law, Ph.D. (Law-International Law) Stood up to California Superior court Judge David P. Yaffe who admitted to taking over $800,000.00 in illegal payments from Los Angeles County while being the judge in a case where Los Angeles county was a party, and… Read More