Don’t Be Fooled by the Used Car Salesman Smile of Chief Justice John Roberts

Dont Be Fooled by the Used Car Salesman Smile of Chief Justice John Roberts Brian Vukadinovich

Chief Justice John Roberts has been recently quoted as saying that the nation’s federal courts are doing a better job of policing themselves which he called essential for the ability of the judicial branch to maintain its independence. Roberts also said that the judiciary’s power to manage its own internal affairs “insulates courts from inappropriate political influence and is crucial to preserving public trust in its work as a separate and co-equal branch of government.” Roberts must be delusional if he thinks what the courts are doing are “preserving public trust” since the same article in which he was quoted pointed out that the latest Gallup poll showed only a 40 percent approval by the public of the court’s performance, which is down 20 points from two decades ago and a new low for that survey. Roberts then went on to say that the federal courts need to do a better job at spotting potential conflicts that should require judges to take themselves off cases involving companies in which they or members of their families own stock. The article pointed out that a recent Wall Street Journal analysis found that 131 judges participated in 685 such matters for a certain time period. Roberts’ excuse was that many likely were the result of “unintentional failures” in checking for financial conflicts. However, in asserting the “unintentional failures” defense, Roberts simply averred that the judges violated an ethics rule but he conveniently failed to mention that the 131 judges broke the law in doing so, and of course, weren’t prosecuted for breaking the law. The fact that Roberts conveniently omitted this very important fact speaks volumes about his lack of integrity and his propensity to sugar coat improprieties by federal judges…. Read More


Corrupt Justice Ronald M. George

Los Angeles County Superior court judge California Chief Justice Corrupt Ronald M George

Corrupt Chief Justice Ronald Marc George What is totally disgusting about this man is how he hides the criminal he really is via the background of high-end legal law schools, awards and assignments, but the truth is, he created SBX 2 11 to help his fellow lawyers and judges to escape any accountability or prosecution for being part of the exposed bribery of over 90% of California Superior court judges. This is common for the most evil, dishonorable, criminal judges or lawyers to hide behind a false image of good or honesty. Would an honorable person create SBX 211? More about SBX 211 California Bar Attorney Profile Ronald Marc George #36837 License Status: Active Address: 1333 Jones St #706, San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone: 415-314-1896 License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History All changes of license status due to nondisciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions. Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action Present Active 1/3/2011 Active 6/7/1965 Admitted to the State Bar of California PONDERING WIDESPREAD CORRUPTION: THE COLLAPSE OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN CALIFORNIA By Peter J. Mancus Candidate for Member of the State Assembly; District 10 More on Peter J. Mancus This information is provided by the candidate The California Legislature, Governors, and Attorney Generals are violating California’s laws, protecting crooked judges. There has been a breakdown of “checks and balances” and constitutional government in California. The dominant real rule is “No man/woman is above the law.”, not “Too big to jail.” To read this op-ed with excellent formatting, please go to my campaign Internet site, Executive Summary This document discusses, in detail, what is perhaps the largest, and longest lasting, judicial scandal in the history of the United States. This assertion is rooted in fact. It is not hyperbole…. Read More