Defending Your Loved One.. A How To Guide on Avoiding the Traps of Conservatorship by Romanus C Castro

Sgt. David finds himself at the mercy of his psychotic ex-wife Sybil. Suffering a traumatic brain injury and trapped in a body that he no longer knows as his own, he tries to battle back only to realize that not only is he physically compromised, but also his mental capacity has failed to the point that he cannot fight the enemy on his own. Coming to grips with his new normal, he enlisted the help of family, friends and strangers. You will read the account of an elderly woman, Rose, who was essentially kidnapped and taken away by those who were entrusted to help her, and lock away from her loving husband and preyed upon by the very system that was designed to assist the elderly in their time of need. Or the account of a lonely man with diminished capacity and estranged from his family but looking for companionship, only to have a new “relationship” revealed to be a well thought out scam unique for the cunning and deception employed to plunder an unsuspecting persons estate. These are the stories of innocent people ill prepared to deal with traps laid to ensnare them and with few answers available that could help them out of the maze of deception. What these families endured was not only unconstitutional, but also criminal. This is what this book is about, the complicated and nefarious world of conservatorship and caregiving. As unpleasant as the thought, we may one day be incapacitated and unable to make medical and financial decisions for ourselves. No matter how well you may plan in advance, there may be those impatiently waiting on the sidelines for just the right opportunity to take advantage of an unfortunate situation, including, sadly individuals… Read More