I’m sending a copy of this letter to the LA Times, NGA Executive Director, etc. You can forward it to the list of guardianship victims. 318 Philadelphia Avenue W. Pittston, PA 18643 December 10, 2005 Laury Gelardi, Executive Director National Guardianship Association 1604 North Country Clug Road Tucson, AZ 85716-3102Dear Ms. Gelardi: I am writing to your organization now due to the article in the LA Times and your organization’s response. I called about 2 yrs. ago but did not follow up with any written communication. The NGA has written ‘standards’ and ‘ethics’ which demonstrate the purpose and goals of guardianship. Most would then assume that the membership of Registered Guardians would follow those guidelines. When I called previously, I was told there was no mechanism to require accountability of the member Registered Guardians. Two years later, it is my hope and expectation that you have been able to structure a mechanism which insures accountability regarding those who are listed as Registered and/or Master Guardians. As you well know; guardianship is the only approved mechanism for denying all choice(s), rights, possessions, finances and contacts(including family) to the ‘ward’ other than the prison system which is supposed to deal with criminal activity. It is the single, most powerful force existing to deny/overcome all God-given, Constitutionally protected human rights of law abiding citizens. Your organization can require accountability of its members by examining complaints and requiring members to actually follow both your ‘standards of practice’ and ‘code of ethics’ or members should be removed from your membership listing. Since human beings are fallible and guardianship grants just about unlimited power over other human beings who become “wards”; accountability must be a priority. Abdicating responsibility soley to the discretion of the courts does… Read More


Your “BAR” Attorney Is A Fraud

Any Judge, government agent, or bureaucrat who has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States – who is violating that oath – is Guilty of Treason. The Penalty is still DEATH BY HANGING. BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry The British Legal System Of Mixed Common And Roman Law Has Been Used To Enslave The USA! 13 Sections / Download – Print – Study – Distribute: http://www.detaxcanada.org/cmlaw1.htm The Federal Zone: Cracking The Code Of Internal Revenue http://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11/ After the Revolutionary War of 1776 was over – since no actual surrender papers had been signed – King George III decided that the colonies still belonged to him, to England, and all that remained was for him to figure out how to get them back again under his direct control. To do this he determined to use the banks, both of the United States and of England, as one method. But to underpin his efforts, he needed lawyers or attorneys here in the ‘colonies’ to make it all happen. The ‘legal’ ramifications of how things had to be brought about had become an important issue to England ever since the days of the Magna Carta. Lawyers, known more prominently as “BARristers”, had arisen to great power in England since the days of the old knights. But the battle by these heirs of knighthood this time was forged against good and not evil, for this new thing that the People in America were calling “freedom” was a dangerous consideration for a King. King George needed the lawyers or attorneys over in the Colonies to be members, or Esquires, of England’s International BAR Association, the only BAR association in the world, headquartered right in good old London town and under his own… Read More