Living Trusts for Everyone: Why a Will Is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs, and Settle Estates

Readers say it best: “Very informative.” “Saved me a lot of money and headaches!” “Recommend it for everyone who has to plan estates for their elderly parents” The misconceptions surrounding the last will and testament need to be put to rest: Wills benefit lawyers. Trusts benefit you. Period. Too often lawyers sell wills to clients only to sit back and wait to sell their probate services to their client’ s heirs. Modern estate planning should utilize the Living Trust as the effective, efficient, and inexpensive alternative to a will. Living Trusts for Everyone: Why a Will is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs, and Settle Estates explains why wills are not the best way to handle an estate and details the many advantages trusts have over wills in not only eliminating probate, but protecting your assets for your heirs. Anyone with minor children, disabled beneficiaries, blended families, or spendthrift heirs must have a trust to be sure the assets left behind are put to good use, and that your intentions are carried out. Lawyers may have vested interests in perpetuating the probate system, but this book will explain why legal services are not needed to do the clerical work in settling a trust after death. No legal jargon or confusing double-speak, just specific step-by-step instructions and sample form letters to settle a trust are included to take the mystery out of the process. This is not a do-it-yourself book and it doesn’t try to cram every type of trust onto its pages. Living Trusts for Everyone explains in specific terms what benefit a trust will have for you and gives you the tools to settle a loved one’s trust with no lawyers and no expense. For those who already… Read More