SUPPORT TAXPAYERS AGAINST GENOCIDE Americans are being robbed by Hollywood, A bribed US Congress, ADL, rich Zionist criminals and a small group of people who are less than 3% of America who are out of control killing women and children to steal yet one more native people’s country via the use of American military support and stolen taxpayer funds in the form of over a trillion dollar. This all started when these evil criminals took over our government and it’s agencies such as the FBI, CIA and NSA. Which allowed the to assassinate 3 Kennedy’s, blow up the Twin towers to get the US to go to war with innocent Iraq which never had any weapons of mass destruction. U.S.S. Liberty and selling American military secrets via a traitor and criminal, Jonathan Pollard. Join Taxpayers Against Genocide (TAG) A Call to All Federal Income Taxpayers in the Greater Bay Area and Northern California Websites: Richmond Progressive Alliance FOLLOW THE PODCASTS: PA 20th Anniversary Video THIS MOVEMENT IS GROWING NATIONWIDE OTHER SIMILAR MOVEMENTS: California Taxpayers File Class Action Lawsuit Against Congressional Reps, Demand Stop to Genocide Funding “We Have to Act”: Taxpayers Suing Congress members for Funding Genocide Speak Out Taxpayers Against Genocide Expands Legal Battle to International Stag Taxpayers Suing US Reps for Funding Genocide A New Track for Taxpayers Against Genocide Class action lawsuit against California Congress members over Gaza genocide goes international Read More


Corrupt Vice President Kamala D. Harris

Court Victim Corrupt Vice President Kamala Harris

Lawyer, Vice President Kamala Devi Harris #146672 Anyone notice the violation of the License Status: Inactive Phone Number: 202-456-1414 License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History All changes of license status due to nondisciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions. Date License Status  2/1/2021 Inactive 6/14/1990 Admitted to the State Bar of California Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past extramarital relationship with Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris in his weekly column Saturday, saying he may have boosted her career. “Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was [California] Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.” Brown went on to serve as mayor of San Francisco from 1996 to 2004 (2003, Harris would become the district attorney of the state and county of San Francisco) The claim Harris “had an affair with a married man” is true. Worst, war criminal, fraud, traitor accepts bribes, Vice President Kamala D. Harris Will go down in history as the worst and most unpopular Vice President in history Kamala Devi Harris born October 20, 1964 an American politician and attorney who was the 49th vice president of the United States since 2021. The first female U.S. vice president, the highest-ranking female official in history. Also the first African American (But is she really an African American?) and first Asian American vice president. A Democrat and party’s nominee for the 2024 presidential election. 2017 to 2021 Represented California in the U.S. Senate 2011 to 2017 Attorney General of California 2004 to 2011 District Attorney of San Francisco Wikipedia Congressman Scott Franklin: “The record shows that Kamala Harris has been a terrible VP. She’s clearly unprepared now to be President.” ARTICLES Letter… Read More