Poppy Helgren is the daughter of Lester Moore Lester Moore Was a 91 year old Veteran with dementia. He had only one child and his wife died in 2001. 2007 Lester was diagnosed with dementia by his CA doctor, who was concerned that he could be exploited financially. His daughter became more involved with her father’s living situation at the time. She was living in another state. She learned his girlfriend was getting thousands of dollars from him and having him pay for extravagant trips for them. Long story short, she became the successor trustee of the family trust, utilizing the incapacity clause. The trust had been drawn up in 1993. The girlfriend told her dad she was stealing money and wanted to put him in a nursing home. She got an attorney to change his trust, disinheriting her. This was done after his doctors had Declared him incompetent. Flash forward a year later, a judge placed him under a private conservator, totally ignoring her parents’ trust. 8 years later all the property has been liquidated and the money is dwindling. The girlfriend pays herself $18000 a month from his estate. She refuses to let him visit his daughter or go to her state. He has no one in CA. This has destroyed everything my parents labored for. And my father will surely die alone. It is criminal. Typical CON Game with the same players who take advantage of the elderly PARTIES INVOLVED Fiducuiary Angelique Friend Lawyer William Salzwedel Judge Roger L. Lund What happened to the Victim Poppy Helgren The first Judge was Glen Reiser. He is the Judge who totally ignored my parent’s family trust that had me as the successor Trustee. Judge Reiser allowed all of my… Read More

Corrupt Fiduciary Angelique Friend Probate Services started with a Professional Fiduciary in 1974. Our current senior Fiduciary, Angelique Friend, started in 1999. Angelique became President of Probate Services Inc. in 2014. Probate Services, Inc. 232 Village Commons Blvd. #11 Camarillo, CA 93012 email: [email protected] Phone: (805) 604-1998 VICTIMS: Lester Moore Poppy Helgren RATE ANGELIQUE FRIEND ON GOOGLE Please sign the petition to stop criminals from destroying families and lives CALIFORNIANS NEED THE POWER TO DISCIPLINE AND EXPELL ABUSIVE CONSERVATORS Angelique Friend CEO Ventura Review Report Never in my life have I dealt with such vicious and utterly incompetent people. Angelique Friend and her staff, Corrina Seymour and Stacy, haven’t got a clue when it comes to managing trusts. Lack of business ethics is what I hear over and over again, when I speak to others about Angelique Friend. “People roll their eyes when her name comes up”” One person said. “”I’ve heard numerous similar complaints about her but never a resolution”” Says another. The regulatory government office that supervises Angelique Friend and Probate Services Inc. is The Professional Fiduciary Bureau of the State of California. The office employs four case workers for the entire state. There is only one case worker for every 10000000 Californians! Angelique Friend and her staff are taking full and unfair advantage of this lack of regulatory oversight. They pretty much think that they can do whatever they want VICTIM REPORT: Lester Moore California needs to change the way that this trade is being performed. Wards such as Norma Farrant of Newberry Park in California who had built up quite a sizeable trust for her care in life as she got older first retiring from teaching in the public school system and then starting a rather… Read More