600 Day Challenge to Guardian Mary Werner, Judge Oscar Kazen & Mayor of Shavano Park Bob Werner

Guardian Mary Werner, Judge Oscar Kazen & Mayor Bob Werner – Charlie Thrash’s family & friends challenge you: Do not set a 600 day record of keeping Charlie & Laura apart! Force us to remove this counter by allowing Charlie visitors 1. Allow Charlie to visit with his common-law wife, Laura; Martinez-Thrash 2. Allow Charlie to visit with his adult adopted children Brittany, Michelle and Joe; 3. Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Billy Duncan; 4. Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Warren Jennings. Each visit to be for 4 hours, unsupervised, without Mary Werner’s presence. After nearly 600 days of isolation from his wife, children & friends, it’s the least the court could do, to allow a smidgen of humanity to enter Charlie’s life. We, family & friends of Charlie Thrash, ask Judge Oscar Kazen to instruct his appointee, Guardian Mary Werner, to allow Charlie to visit with his common-law wife, Laura Martinez-Thrash; Allow Charlie to visit with his adult adopted children Brittany, Joe, and Michelle; Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Billy Duncan; and Allow Charlie to visit with his high school buddy Warren Jennings. This will stop the ever-escalating number of utterly shameful days that Judge Oscar Kazen and his chosen guardian of Charlie, Mary Werner abuse their power, and mentally & emotionally torment Charlie by cruelly denying Charlie the companionship Charlie chose for himself, before Mary & Oscar took away Charlie’s freedom, and seized Charlie’s estimated $3,000,000 in assets. Let us not forget that the documented reason Charlie Thrash’s guardianship was created by then-Probate Judge Tom Rickhoff, was to allow $2,850,000 (95% of Charlie’s total assets, as is implied in §1155.003) to be available to the Guardian,… Read More


10 13 2020 Guardian & Mayor’s wife Mary Werner files a Notification of Condition of Ward

Congratulations to Mayor Robert “Bob” Werner on his newest legal client – his wife, Mary Werner, Guardian of Charles Innes Thrash, courtesy of their 3-blocks away neighbor and winning judicial candidate, Oscar Kazen! With attorney Robert Werner now filing Notifications on behalf of Charlie’s court-appointed guardian, we safely assume Bob Werner has joined the other lawyers at Cavaretta, Katona & Leighner, Karen Andersen, as well as attorneys Barrett Shipp and Kristopher Bowen in gaining legal access to what’s left of Charlie’s estimated $3,000,000 from which they pay themselves — all with the blessings of Shavano Park resident Judge Oscar Kazen. What a deal! October 14, 2020: It took Mary Werner and her husband – who is apparently the newest attorney in the stable being paid from what’s left of Charlie Thrash’s estimated $3,000,000 — Robert “Bob” Werner, a whole 27 days to file this two (2) sentence report on her court administratively-mandated visit with Charlie Thrash. Such alacrity and detailed reporting – all from the Werner household! Once again, Congratulations Mayor Bob Werner in adding another title to his person: First, Bob Werner was (merely) a licensed attorney, then he became Mayor of Shavano Park, a community of less than 3,000 adults. Then, in Sept 2018, Bob Werner chose his 2-block away neighbor, Oscar Kazen, to support in an election campaign for Probate Judge for all of Bexar County (close to 1,500,000 adults), hosting a party and contributing $100 to his campaign. Bob and his wife, Mary Werner, a professional guardian of adult human beings who receives 100% of her self-employed pay-check by being awarded her Wards by probate court judges just exactly like their around-the-corner neighbor, Oscar Kazen. Then on Jan 29, 2019, just 29 days after becoming probate… Read More