Why Legal Reform Doesn’t Work

Why Legal Reform Doesn’t Work May 26, 2021 Op-Ed by Janet Phelan “The truth is a terrible thing, but not compared to falsehood.” – Jordan Peterson Legal reform is a banner under which many organizations fly. “Guardianship reform,” “Defund the police,” “End targeting,” “CPS reform” – some of these movements have clear political motivations and some simply seek to address corruption within the system. And none of them have really borne fruit. The reason is not the dedicated efforts of the organizations or individuals carrying these banners. The reason is that the very system through which reform is sought is a facade. Those in the guardianship reform movement are acutely aware that the system isn’t working. There are strong and protective laws on the books but every day, guardianship proceedings convene in courts across the US and laws are ignored, judges make decisions that have no standing in law and as a result, lives are destroyed. Assets are pilfered through these proceedings and in many cases, those under guardianship die under questionable circumstances. The Probate Murders: The War on the Vulnerable through the Courts (Part One) In some circumstances, the deaths can clearly be considered to be murder yet no one is charged, no murder trial takes place, and family, bruised and shaken by the events, migrate to a legal reform of guardianship movement. Writes retired Illinois attorney Ken Ditkowsky, “We have enough legislation as to Guardianship and its ramifications.” He goes on to explain how guardianships often get launched: In the Sallas case and too many Guardianship cases a corrupt (or ignorant as to the law) judge anxious to please (or paid to please) the petitioner allows on a dozen psychiatrists on call to testify that he examined the… Read More


Man wrongly jailed blames NYPD for killers’ murder spree

Eric Glisson shows his former Identification card, that of inmate, and his new ID Card, Mercy College student, from which he graduated in 2013. The real killers of a Bronx livery driver were free to murder at least four more victims because NYPD cops railroaded five innocent people in the notorious 1995 slaying, a stunning new lawsuit charges. Eric Glisson, who spent nearly 18 years in prison before being exonerated, alleges in his Manhattan federal suit that Bronx homicide cops “fabricated evidence and false witness testimony” that convicted him and four co-defendants in the fatal shooting of Baithe Diop. As a result, vicious gang members Jose “Joey Green Eyes” Rodriguez and Gilbert “Gorgeous Indian” Vega were never busted for Diop’s murder and went on to kill at least four other people before the feds busted them and they cut a deal, admitting they shot Diop from the back seat of his livery car, the court papers say. The additional victims include two men who were gunned down in 1997 during an annual Thanksgiving Day football game between residents of two Bronx housing projects, according to court records. Rodriguez pleaded guilty in that crime. That shooting, in which three others were wounded, was ordered by “Pistol” Pete Rollack, the imprisoned leader of Rodriguez and Vega’s gang — called Sex Money Murder, or SMM — to keep one of the slain victims from testifying against him. Vega pleaded guilty to being the getaway driver for a 1999 robbery and murder at an auto-parts business in Hunts Point. “I think it’s a tragedy that these other people had to lose their lives because of the negligence of the New York City Police Department,” Glisson said Sunday. Cops also allegedly stymied a federal investigator… Read More