Corrupt Judge James A. Bascue

Corrupt Judge Bascue, James Allen #47433 Admitted Los Angeles January 1971 DISBARRED SEE UGLY JUDGE FOR MORE CORRUPT JUDGE JAMES A. BASCUE History of Probate Court Cases: Hideko Wada Family Trust Dated August 19, 1998 – Trust Malone, Charles Roy – Decedent Nhep, San – Decedent More Judge James A. Bascue Cases Los Angeles Judge James A. Bascue; lifetime porker, criminal The state of California presented James Allen Bascue with a law license in 1971 after he graduated from the University of California at Davis. In 1990, former Gov. George Deukmejian was duped into appointing Jimmy as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge. Jimmy wasn’t appointed because he was the most qualified attorney in the Los Angeles area. He received the appointment because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks. From the time he received his law degree in 1971 through 2007 (36 years), Jimmy had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the Los Angeles area was about to offer Jimmy a good paying job. Recently (June 2015), Jimmy was arrested after he fired at officers during a standoff at his Los Angeles townhouse. When officers arrived at Jimmy’s residence, they looked into a window and saw witnessed him sitting on a couch loading two guns. Jimmy failed to respond to the officer and then pointed a gun at his head. He then fired a shot in the direction of the officers. After hearing a second shot, officers called for SWAT backup. Fortunately for the officers involved, Jimmy was a bad shot. Jimmy could face charges including assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. Because Judicial Misfits in are held to a… Read More