Corrupt Judge Janet C. Malone

Victims: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein Details:       HISTORY Janet C. Malone is a judge for the Supreme Court 9th Judicial District of New York elected in the general election November 8, 2016. Malone was a judge on the Westchester County Family Court from 2008 to 2016 Prior to her judicial career Malone worked as New York County District Attorney, a practitioner of counties of Bronx and Westchester, New York, an associate at Westchester County law firm and support magistrate for Westchester County Family Court. She joined the court bench in 2008. New York held general elections on November 8, 2016. A primary election was held September 13, 2016. The filing deadline for candidates running in the election was July 14, 2016. Incumbent Linda S. Jamieson, Janet C. Malone, and Thomas E. Walsh II ran unopposed in the election for three open seats on the New York Supreme Court 9th Judicial District. JUDGE JANET C MALONE Judge Janet C. Malone has conspired with CPS {Child Protected Services}; Police Departments; and local agencies to willfully and intentionally falsifying records to illegally remove minor children from their biological parents. Since 2008 to the present Judge Malone conduct is unlawful and a direct violation of her Oath of office, she has on multiple occasion stated that the “Constitution Was Not Allowed” in her Court Room, I guess Judge Malone has never read Malbury v. Madison, were the highest court in the land stated that no law can overrule or even contradict with the supreme law of the land; and if your laws, rules, or procedures try to overruled the Supreme Law of the land then your Laws, rules or procedures are NULL and VOID! And to deny someone a law that’s secured by… Read More


Elizabeth Harding Weinstein Court Victim

NY MOM & KIDS TRAFFICKED Abusers: Judge Robert M Dibella Judge Janet C. Malon Details:       About “Lizzie” Elizabeth Harding Weinstein Her story was featured on InfoWars with Stew Peters and Banthis.TV. Days after they ran my story, there was a mysterious house fire in my rental home at 5am, and later the same day my Instagram account, which had thousands of worldwide followers, was taken down. The links here are thereby disabled, but I am getting the vids into a Dropbox for easier access, although my FaceBook account, Elizabeth Harding Weinstein, still has all the evidence up, including the Judicial and Police corruption. I am also in the process of getting my own website started so the evidence can live there without being censored. Elizabeth Harding Weinstein’s story of egregious judicial abuse is difficult for the fair minded person to comprehend, but all the undeniable evidence is attached. Days after they ran my story, there was a mysterious house fire in my rental home at 5am, and later the same day my Instagram account, which had thousands of worldwide followers, was taken down. I brought my cases up to the US Supreme Court, #21-14, and #21A29. All new IG accounts were deleted and my Facebook account which I had for approximately 15 years was deleted after I posted the evidence that the US Supreme Court had tampered with my file, refused to post the evidence in the appendices, changed my filing dates, and changed the rules under which I filed. Defendants in my federal cases, including Brian Styker Weinstein and Dina Kaplan sought to traffic me into Guardianship via an unlawful closed, ex parte hearing in front of judge Janet C. Malone Westchester, New York, as a… Read More