Elizabeth Harding Weinstein Court Victim


Robert M Dibella
Judge Janet C. Malon





About “Lizzie” Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
Her story was featured on InfoWars with Stew Peters and Banthis.TV.

Days after they ran my story, there was a mysterious house fire in my rental home at 5am, and later the same day my Instagram account, which had thousands of worldwide followers, was taken down. The links here are thereby disabled, but I am getting the vids into a Dropbox for easier access, although my FaceBook account, Elizabeth Harding Weinstein, still has all the evidence up, including the Judicial and Police corruption. I am also in the process of getting my own website started so the evidence can live there without being censored.

Elizabeth Harding Weinstein’s story of egregious judicial abuse is difficult for the fair minded person to comprehend, but all the undeniable evidence is attached.

Days after they ran my story, there was a mysterious house fire in my rental home at 5am, and later the same day my Instagram account, which had thousands of worldwide followers, was taken down. I brought my cases up to the US Supreme Court, #21-14, and #21A29. All new IG accounts were deleted and my Facebook account which I had for approximately 15 years was deleted after I posted the evidence that the US Supreme Court had tampered with my file, refused to post the evidence in the appendices, changed my filing dates, and changed the rules under which I filed.

Defendants in my federal cases, including Brian Styker Weinstein and Dina Kaplan sought to traffic me into Guardianship via an unlawful closed, ex parte hearing in front of judge Janet C. Malone Westchester, New York, as a tool of expediency for Brian’s domestic violence.

Elizabeth Harding Weinstein’s story of egregious judicial abuse is difficult for the fair minded person to comprehend, but all the undeniable evidence is here.

We are concerned citizens of the world who stand up for our inalienable rights and freedoms.

We have watched in horror at the government abuse of Elizabeth Harding Weinstein, an articulate and outspoken advocate, who has called out judicial corruption and human rights violations. The egregious judicial abuse Ms. Harding Weinstein has endured has garnished international attention.

We have witnessed the false arrest & imprisonment of Ms. Harding Weinstein that was initiated because she could not medically tolerate a mask.


How could Judge Howard T Code, if he was law abiding, remand anyone to prison for seven weeks for this? It is an admission of Judge’s Code guilt and retaliation.

We saw the Briarcliff Police department willing abuse of power and abuse of Ms. Harding Weinstein.

We witnessed the hypocrisy of government officials Philip Zegarelli and Rori Zirman denying Ms. Harding Weinstein her constitutional rights to the services of her government because she could not medically tolerate a mask and initiating arrests for such. We saw those very same government officials, moments later, not wearing a mask themselves, while talking to others.

Ms. Zirman and Mr. Zegarelli’s actions are an appalling display of egregious government hypocrisy and corruption. There is no health concern in those government officials, only the need to unlawfully and unconstitutionally control and coerce a law abiding citizen.

Following Ms. Harding Weinstein’s filing of a US Federal 1983 case (7-21-cv-0996-CS) in the Southern District of New York against the abuses and corruption, we witnessed the retaliatory police kidnapping of Ms. Harding Weinstein and her false Imprisonment.



It is clear to everybody Elizabeth Harding Weinstein‘s competency is not in question. She is an outspoken advocate who speaks intelligently in almost daily videos seen worldwide.

We are infuriated by Judge Howard T Code’s bogus declaration of Ms. Harding Weinstein as “incompetent,” his retaliatory involuntary commitment of Ms. Harding Weinstein at St Vincents Medical Center in Harrison, New York, the hospital’s unlawful participation, and Judge Anne E Minihan’s unnecessary continued commitment of Ms. Harding Weinstein and malicious Order of medications over objections. All of the above was clearly meant to threaten, torture and harm a healthy 49 year old highly functional woman who was on no medications her whole life.

The cocktail of haldol injections, lithium, depakote, Zyprexa, ativan and others shows an unlawful broad umbrella of highly toxic medications clearly intended to harm and threaten Ms. Harding Weinstein’s health and functionality. It was an Order for a modern day lobotomy by medication, willfully ordered by a government official.


Despite the New York Judiciary’s best efforts, Ms. Harding Weinstein remains competent and capable. The competency of the Judiciary abusing Ms. Harding Weinstein is also not in question: they are incompetent to their job.

We are alarmed by the United State’s Judiciary current apparent unlawful ability to retaliate against outspoken advocates, imprison them, declare them “incompetent,” and physically harm them, all in plain, unapologetic view.

These severe and egregious Judicial abuses, and abuses of Mental Hygiene Laws, will not go unnoticed.

You can not declare advocates for constitutional rights “incompetent” as a means to avoid accountability for government or judicial malfeasance.

You can not falsely imprison and medicate people to silence the truth

We know the truth.
We will not be silenced.
We the People will defend our inalienable and constitutional rights.
We stand with Elizabeth Harding Weinstein.


1. Throw out any bogus claims of Elizabeth Harding Weinstein’s incompetency in a court of law.

2. Remove Judges Howard T Code and Anne E Minihan from the bench. Their undeniable actions are clear and convincing evidence of abusing their judicial powers to commit criminal acts.

3. Recuse Judge Cathy Seibel from Federal Case 7-21-cv-0996-CS. There is clear evidence of impropriety as Ms. Seibel replaced Judge Karas without cause, immediately dismissed the Judges and District Attorneys from the case, and issued Orders in the case prior to it being served and while denying Ms. Harding Weinstein emergency access to the Court during her false Imprisonment.

4. Launch an investigation into the Court Corruption in widespread Westchester County.

5. Launch an investigation into the false Imprisonments at St Vincents Medical Center in Harrison, NY.

6. Launch an investigation into Mental Hygiene Legal Services who are employed by the NY Courts, including Ms. Melissa Toothill who gatekept Ms. Harding Weinstein’s access to the Court, refused to file Ms. Harding Weinstein’s petitions timely, refused to file any of Ms. Harding Weinstein’s affidavits in advance.

7. Sponsor bills to end Judicial Immunity. Without accountability we live in tyrrany.


Find her on FACEBOOK

STAND AGAINST JUDICIAL TYRANNY; STAND UP FOR OUR FREEDOMS & INALIENABLE RIGHTS change org sign the petition for elizabeth harding weinstein new york new york


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