Diane Field Court Victim

Abusive Judge MICHAEL J. MULVIHILL JR. The violations of rights, law or abuse you experienced, privacy rights, hippa law, mandatory arbitration law, No restitution hearing, No reconsideration and judicial notice,No restitution hearing due to settlement agreement? No stay all moved and dropped due to covid-19attorney dropping me at litigation, My attorney said he didn’t know anything about criminal case, Judges knowing others in my case, Judges protecting criminals from justice and punitive damages, Statues,enforcing without anything signed or agreed upon, having to appeal because judge gave Dui defendant what he wanted, Then My Judge, who is gone because I did reconsideration and judicial notice,and since there has been a new judge, but that judge isn’t signed in, because she has had no jurisdiction, other then making it conditional settlement status, But I have been violated of lots of my constitutional rights as a victim of crime, fighting my criminal Dui driver and his insurance carrier through civil jury trial,by myself, with a Judge who has just been convicted of suspected DUI himself, in a crash on video and on the news Jan. 1,2022 here in Stockton ca, with just himself drunk. I am appalled as I still have No Judgement in my case yet from criminal restitution of not even minimum amounts monthly, to still not paid in full restitution, to be determined in civil jury trial, end sup in appeals, because of bogus settlement of a corrupt Judge who, decided to be totally unfair to me now trying to get direct victim restitution, back in the criminal courts, who do not answer the phones,due to covid,going in circles, from DA’s, restitution and recovery, courts, for over 7 yrs. of a claim with insurers,of criminal who’s attorney denied all allegations… Read More


Sharon Stephens Court Victim

bonnie garcia cathedral city california incarcerated sharon stephens abuse of power

Sharon Stephens Sharon got involved when she went to report a Police officer. Her efforts to expose wrong and injustice were met with police influencing the courts and government against her to hide their own abuse of power and crimes. People all over America are victimized every year the same way. In fact many people are locked in jail or prison by lies and fraud to help them get away with crime. Its when government, police and courts abuse their power and use that power to extort and stop you from exposing them that the biggest crime is committed. EX-ASSEMBLYWOMAN BONNIE GARCIA and HER FALSE INCARCERATION OF ME AND MORE BONNIE GARCIA, along with Cathedral City government members are very much responsible for my unlawful yearlong incarceration; a void case, the illegal taking of my home; a void case and the loss of my life-savings as a result. Join Sharon at her Blog for more information NEWS STORIES ABOUT BONNIE GARCIA Garcia accused of misusing state vehicle Assemblymember Bonnie Garcia to Return Funds from Anti-Gay ExtremistCalexico Unified School District’s Similarities with Sweetwater Sharon Stephens March 02, 2008 NEWS STORY SEE THIS LINK Ain’t It Beautiful, But Excuse Me There Is An Ear On The Lawn The objector and the rebel who raises his voice against what he believes to be the injustice of the present and the wrongs of the past is the one who hunches the world along.”– Clarence S. Darrow -1857-1938: Address to the Court, The Communist Trial, People v. Lloyd, 1920 WHEN A DRUG FAMILY CAME INTO SHADOW CREST HOA What You Need to Know: This is the true story of corruption, concealment, and conspiracy between a homeowner’s association, a police department, city, county and state governments,… Read More