Judges Hiding abuse for profit

Judge Les Hayes once sentenced a single mother to 496 days behind bars for failing to pay traffic tickets. The sentence was so stiff it exceeded the jail time Alabama allows for negligent homicide. Marquita Johnson, who was locked up in April 2012, says the impact of her time in jail endures today. Johnson’s three children were cast into foster care while she was incarcerated. One daughter was molested, state records show. Another was physically abused. “Judge Hayes took away my life and didn’t care how my children suffered,” said Johnson, now 36. “My girls will never be the same.” Fellow inmates found her sentence hard to believe. “They had a nickname for me: The Woman with All the Days,” Johnson said. “That’s what they called me: The Woman with All the Days. There were people who had committed real crimes who got out before me.” In 2016, the state agency that oversees judges charged Hayes with violating Alabama’s code of judicial conduct. According to the Judicial Inquiry Commission, Hayes broke state and federal laws by jailing Johnson and hundreds of other Montgomery residents too poor to pay fines. Among those jailed: a plumber struggling to make rent, a mother who skipped meals to cover the medical bills of her disabled son, and a hotel housekeeper working her way through college. Hayes, a judge since 2000, admitted in court documents to violating 10 different parts of the state’s judicial conduct code. One of the counts was a breach of a judge’s most essential duty: failing to “respect and comply with the law.” FULL STORY Read More


Los Angeles Superior Court has Epidemic of Judge approved Fraud, Perjury and Abuse

What does Los Angeles Superior Court not want the public to know? The fact is judges are bribed all the time. It’s no longer about hiring a “good, knowledgeable lawyer” instead it’s about money and hiring a lawyer who has connections to grease the palms of today’s “Scheister Judges” judges who are nothing less than criminals, frauds and liars who got on the bench for one sole reason to fleece the public and take advantage of authority and the role of a public servant. Judges like newly appointed Brenda J. Penny who was obviously appointed judge due to her history of conspiracy and fraud which she ignored and allowed to continue during the decade she was knee deep in probate court corruption. Judge Penny was responsible for the embezzlement of billions of dollars from hard working American’s whose sole issue was they worked hard and saved money. Brenda Penny is an example how government corruption is rewarded and covered up by the mayor and governor of California who prefer dishonesty. It’s always been hidden by the criminals who hide behind fake images of good who are in fact the real villains and criminals Corruption within the Los Angeles Superior Court system has been hidden and lied about for decades since it was exposed in 2005 by Los Angeles Times Article series. As a result Judge Aviva Koniegsberg Bobb was forced to retire early as probate judge who was rewarded for her crimes and became presiding judge. This is how Los Angeles County rolls and rewards the worst abusers and criminals because they wear a black robe of shame. Thousands of Los Angeles victims had their families victimized as a result of dishonorable hearings and fraudulent petitions that were approved. Elder… Read More