“Kaiser Permanente Dr. Syed Maksudul Hossain, Please Don’t Let my Friend Die”

Los Angeles California Kaiser Permanente physician Doctor Doctor Syed Maksudul Hossain

By Janet Phelan No, this cry is not coming from Auschwitz, where Dr. Mengele regularly killed people whose “lives were not worth living.” Dr. Syed Hossain is ostensibly not a dedicated murderer, although after reading this article you may have your doubts. But like Dr. Mengele, Dr. Hossain is functioning in a system which increasingly disregards the sanctity of human life and often grants immunity to medical professionals for depraved acts of negligence. “Scott C.” was sent to a nursing home in Los Angeles following an evaluation at White Memorial Hospital which revealed he had hydrocephalus, a condition that may be caused by a blow to the head and is treatable through surgical intervention. A shunt is placed in the head in order to drain off the fluid. However, the attending doctor at White Memorial, a Dr. Ho, did not suggest any treatment for Scott, who at age 70 was experiencing effects of what is colloquially termed “water on the brain.” The effects include memory loss and gait problems. Without treatment, the prognosis is dim and he can expect increasing memory and gait issues, culminating in death. A Dr. Syed Hossain is listed as Scott’s physician. After being vetted and approved as an authorized person who may receive otherwise private medical information about a patient, I attempted to reach Dr. Hossain. The nursing home administrator kindly provided Dr. Hossain’s cell number. An irritated Dr. Hossain answered my first call, and directed me to call his office, which I did. He did not return the call. I called a second time and was again shuffled off. I also reached out to Mental Health Advocacy, a long-standing law firm in Los Angeles which purportedly serves a disabled population. After going through an… Read More



Vote no or live under a corrupt judicial system Governor Gavin Newsom did not support Los Angeles California Dr Richard I Fine bill amend SBX 2 11 to hold judges accountable

CALIFORNIA VOTERS GUIDE TO STOP JUDICIAL CORRUPTION ON 11/8/2022 THIS IS YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO DIRECTLY END CALIFORNIA’S JUDICIAL CORRUPTION. VOTE “NO” TO EVERY CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT AND COURT OF APPEAL JUSTICE SEEKING RE-ELECTION. VOTE AGAINST EVERY CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE SEEKING RE-ELECTION IN EVERY COUNTY VOTE AGAINST THE GOVERNOR AND EVERY INCUMBENT LEGISLATOR SEEKING RE-ELECTION. Richard I. Fine, Doctor of Law, Ph.D. Law (International Law), Chmn. Campaign for Judicial Integrity; Co Chmn. Judicial Reform Comm., DivorceCorp. Explains: “Since the mid 1980s, California counties and Superior Courts have paid approximately 90% of the California Superior Court judges “supplemental or local judicial benefits” in addition to the judges State compensation. These payments are over $400 million. The Superior Court judges receiving the payments became California Court of Appeal and California Supreme Court justices, corrupting the entire California judicial system.” Fine continued: “In 2008 the California Courts held the payments violated Article 6, Section 19 of the California Constitution. The judges responded by hiring a lobbyist who engineered the enactment of SBX 2 11. SBX 211 made the payments temporally legal and gave California retroactive immunity from criminal prosecution, civil liability and disciplinary action to the judges who received the payments and the counties, county supervisors and employees who made the payments.” Fine further stated: “The Superior Court judges are disqualified but sit on cases. Examples are: (1) child custody and family law cases; (2) class action cases; (3) conservator and elder cases; (4) constitutional cases; (5) contract cases; (6) criminal cases; (7) death, estate, and probate cases; (8) eminent domain cases; (9) environmental cases; (10) personal injury cases; (11) property cases; (12) regulation cases; (13) tax cases; (14) traffic cases; (15) trust cases; and (16) zoning cases, amongst others.” Fine concluded:… Read More