Corrupt Jerome Hennigan

Totally Corrupt Tarrant County Judge Jerome Hennigan

Tarrant County Texas
Case #324-502659-11
Fraud / Racketeering / Lynch Mob
Dangerous Criminals / Bribery / kickbacks
Texas Judges and Texas Government Officials cater to wealthy criminals and their Attorneys who bribe & buy their way out of their Federal & State Crimes.

Louis J. Corna, his boss Gene Phillips along with Louis Corna’s Attorneys with Friedman & Feiger Law Firm of Dallas Texas; Larry Friedman, Robert Feiger and Matla Pittman bribed District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his Associate Judge Beth Poulos in exvhange to cooperate and aide in their Federal & State Crimes to brutally and savagely criminally violate, severely abuse and completely destroy with their crimes. Their Federal crimes include Counterfeiting, counterfeit check writing and presenting Counterfeit paystubs prepared by National Payroll Management Company owned by Gene Phillips lying about income & assets, money laundering to hide assets, violating Court Order TROs to trsnsfer $72 million dollars in Corporate Stocks to other Board Members in Gene Phillips companies all siding in hiding assets, violating TROs to open new Accounts to Money launder funds to hide assets. Hiding $100 million dollars in aggregate, Mail fraud of illegally diverting the Opposing Party’s Mail to Gene Phillips Dallas Corporate Offices for over 2 years all aided by District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his Associate Judge Beth Poulos who raked in the bribe money from Louis J. Corna, his team of Attorneys with Friedman & Feiger Law Firm, Larry Friedman, Robert Feiger and Marla Pittman along with Louis Corna’s boss Gene Phillips.
Louis J. Corna and his team of Attorneys with Friedman & Feiger Law firm (Larry Friedman, Robert Feiger & Marla Pittman) used Fidelity Account Funds that they were granted control of during the pendency of this case to bribe District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his Associate Judge Beth Poulos. They used Corporate funds from Gene Phillips companies to bribe Texas Government Officials in exchange to cover up and aide in their Federal & State crimes to brutally & savagely criminally violate, severely abuse and completely destroy with their endless crime sprees to destroy her, Tarrant County Texas case #324-502659-11.

Lead Attorney Marla Pittman with Friedman & Feiger Dallas Law Firm and her Client Louis Corna HIRED & BRIBED ex convict Michael Guilfoil to work for them to LIE, steal evidence, and to severely & brutally beat up the Opposing Party in their Tarrant County Family Court case…
Lead Attorney Marla Pittman and her Client Louis Corna BRIBED District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his Associate Judge Beth Poulos in exchange to COVER UP and AIDE in their CRIMES to severely and BRUTALLY criminally violate the Opposing Party ..

Their Crimes are endless to criminally violate, severely abuse and completely Destroy the Opposing Party in this case.

Attorney Marla Pittman with Friedman & Feiger and her Clients Louis Corna and his boss Gene Phillips BRIBED District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his Associate Judge Beth Poulos in exchange to Cover Up and aide in Federal & State CRIMES to severely & brutally CRIMINALLY violate & ABUSE the Opposing Party in the Tarrant County Family Courts Fort Worth TEXAS … CRIMES include MAIL FRAUD of illegally diverting all of the Opposing Party’s MAIL to Gene Phillips Dallas Offices @ 1603 LBJ FWY in Dallas so they could go through all of the Opposing Party’s MAIL, Hiding ALL assets, forgery, perjury, identity theft, computer hacking, counterdeiting of writing Counterfeit Checks to the Opposing Party, presenting Counterfeit Paystubs committing FRAUD & Child Abuse, stealing the Opposing Party’s identity non stop to pull the Opposing Party’s Credit Reports non stop … covered up illegal drug deals going on at Louis Corna’s home resulting in the DEATHS of two boys, Kyle McNutt & Chase Nunez.

Fraud & Racketeering
Dallas Courts / Collusion / Bribery

Louis J. Corna and his team of Attorneys with Friedman & Feiger Law Firm of Dallas; Larry Friedman, Robert Feiger and Marla Pittman bribed District Judge Jerome Hennigan in exchange to lie on Public Records and in their Final Rulings claiming that Judge Jerome Hennigan dismissed all of the “Personal Injury Lawsuits” that the Opposing Party Lauren A. Corna filed against Friedman & Feiger’s Client. Louis Corna, flat out lying all to set up Lauren A. Corna for more of their continued crimes & racketeering in the Dallas Courts bribing Dallas Judge Carl Ginsberg in exchange to cooperate in their crimes & schemes and aide in their fraud, perjury & crimes to extort more money out of the Opposing Party, Lauren A. Corna, with their endless crimes sprees.. in the Dallas Courts, Friedman & Feiger then contrived FAKE “Personal injury Lawsuits” that actually never happened.. describing their FAKE “Personal Injury Lawsuits” at great lengths while pacing around the Dallas Court Room presided by Judge Carl Ginsberg flat out lying then using Tarrant County District Judge Jerome Hennigan lying on Public Records and in Hennigan’s Final Rulings as their evidence in the Dallas Courts … when in FACT the Opoosing Party Lauren Corna never filed any Personal Injury Lawsuits against Louis J. Corna for Tarrant County District Judge Jerome Hennigan to dusmiss any. Hennigan flat out lied aiding in their crimes …All colluding and aiding in more crimes to brutally & savagely criminally violate the Opposing Party, Lauren A. Corna, with their endless crime sprees. They are a lynch mob of hardcore dangerous criminals all using Court Rooms to carry out their crimes. After they all flat out lied in the Dallas Courts to win their Dallas Lawsuit aided by Distict Judge Jerome Hennigan lying on Public Recods and in hid final rulings and Dallas Judge Carl Ginsberg who also raked in the bribes, Friedman & Feiger requested that the Opposing Party be Court Ordered to reimburse Friedman & Feiger their bribe money that they used to bribe the Dallas Judge as part of their legal expenses in addition to all the money that they demanded from the Opposing Party.

Their crimes are literally endless to abuse & completely destroy the Opposing Party, Lauren A. Corna, in this case and their case in the Dallas Courts to continue their crimes & bribery in the Dallas Courts… See Tarrant County Texas case #324-502659-11

Many Many Many written complaints were filed with the Texas Bar Association and thd Texas Judiciary Commission on all the Attorneys, Judges and Government Officials who all raked in the bribes & kickbacks in exchange to aide in the crimes and cover up the crimes that they are all involved in to brutally and savagely criminally violate, severely Abuse & completely destroy with their crimes & bribery, only to be told by the Texas Bar Association and the Texas Judiciary Commission that they do not have criminal jurisdiction over their members.
Massive State wide cover up.

324 Tarrant County Family Courts
Fort Worth, Texas
District Judge Jerome Hennigan
Associate Judge Beth Poulos
District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his personally hand picked Associate Judge Beth Poulos BRIBED their way into Office.
District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his Associate Judge Beth Poulos are extremely corrupt, extremely abusive and extremely dangerous!!
We, the People, are demanding that District Judge Jerome Hennigan and his, hand picked , Associate Judge Beth Poulos be immediately terminated .. criminally prosecuted, disbarred and Jailed for their abuse of power and their criminal misconduct

Obstruction of Justice in Tarrant County



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