James Walbert Court Victim

James Walbert implant removal I would like to begin with the State Rep Jim Guest of the 5th District in the State of Missouri and his offices direct involvement and strong support of this case. In the year of 2007, The 10th of October, The State Rep Jim Guest had issued his first letter of strong support in this case, as well as the complaint of the masses of this serious violation of being forcibly implanted, without consent and or knowledge of this criminal act against a Human being for any reason. Very soon after that, I had the chance to introduce to the State Rep Jim Guest of the 5th District of Missouri and his offices, the case in its entirety for his review and consideration of support, and further introduction into Legislation of the State Of Missouri in the form of House Bill 550. Prior to the introduction of the written Legislation of House Bill 550, the State Rep Jim Guest had reviewed this case and had issued another personal letter of support on my behalf to the courts, of the 18th District of Kansas, Sedgwick County. Per the offices of The William J. Taylor Agencies findings, The Private Investigator William J. Taylor has been professionally investigating the claims of this active crime against many others and myself. The Private Investigator William J. Taylor is responsible for many famous cases, in the Untied States and abroad. At the brunt of his Investigations would be the cases of The Charles Harmon Murder, Domingo –Viernes Murders, DuPont Plaza murders, Greensboro Murders, Iran Contra Investigations, L’Ambiance Plaza Building Collapse, and My Lai, Karen Silkwood Murder, Three Mile Island, Locating Ex-Nicaraguan President- Anastasio Somoza. These are only a few of the Prestige… Read More