Melodie Scott-The Road Goes on Forever

Melodie Scott–The Road Goes on Forever

258 A Street #1-15
Ashland, Oregon 97520
December 8, 2010
Re: Judge Lloyd Connelly

To the Commission on Judicial Performance:

After a series of hearings in Administrative Court, a professional fiduciaries license was denied to conservator Melodie Scott by Department of Consumer Affairs Director Brian Stiger. Stiger received a petition signed by around 100 people protesting the decision by ALJ Melissa Crowell, which would have granted a license to a woman who is now widely known to be a murderer and thief.

Melodie Scott has enjoyed a peculiar degree of protection by the legal community. Judges universally grant her petitions, in the face of documented theft and perjury by Ms.Scott, and police officers refuse to take criminal complaints. In a few cases where the complainant has become insistent, a report has been forwarded to a district attorney who refuses to prosecute. It is my understanding that the DA´s in five separate counties have received reports alleging criminal behavior by Melodie Scott. No prosecution has ever taken place.

The California Attorney General´s office has received complaints about her, as well. The concerns that Melodie Scott is being illegally protected by the criminal justice system were confirmed when Deputy Attorney General Mark Geiger disappeared one bundle of complaints. When a complaint was lodged against Geiger this also was suppressed.

This brings us to the current court date for Melodie Scott. She will appear in Sacramento Superior Court in front of theHonorable Lloyd Connelly on December 17, in a last ditch effort to get her license to kill and steal. Do you find my statement objectionable? I do as well (but most likely for entirely different reasons). I have done some checking on Connelly and am alarmed at the amount of activity surrounding his home loans. It is well known that these loans can and have been used to funnel bribes to corrupt public officials. This has been stated on the U.S.Congressional Record and a preliminary investigation concerning California judges resulted in the realization that a large number of judges are involved in these questionable financial dealings.

I would hate to assume that Judge Connelly is a dirty judge. I am therefore requesting a thorough investigation into his home loans to determine 1)who has paid them off and 2) if they were in any manner discounted.

I will look to hear back from you as soon as possible as to what action you will take on this letter. I have attached records from the County of Sacramento concerning financial activity by Lloyd Connelly. If you wish to speak with me concerning this, you may reach me at 541 603-0514.

Janet C. Phelan

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