“Going Long” on Zeroes

“Going Long” on Zeroes

Having just read an article on the hyperinflation of Yugoslavia in the 1990s by Thayer Watkins, which was informative and enlightening in the extreme, this Author has now come up with a business plan that is as sound as just about any other which came before it. It is based upon knowledge of a little known (almost to the point of being criminal!) technology, it is called Statistical Analysis; Management by Trend. Seeing as how we are now experiencing high amounts of growth in zeroes everywhere we look, it just makes good business sense to make our investments there! Yes, the trend line is definitely moving in the direction of more and more zeroes every day now. Let’s just hope that it’s not too late to jump on that gravy train to prosperity for all.
Yugoslavia experienced a 5 Quadrillion percent rate of inflation between October 1, 1993 and January 24, 1995. That’s 15 zeroes worth of inflation right there alone. The inflation of Zimbabwe was one of historic note as well, further proof that investing in the manufacturing of zeroes is not just a good place to put your capital, but a great one. It’s totally insured growth by a factor which is usually only dreamed of by complete, absolute lunatics. Just imagine it, the growth of zeroes (green shoots) everywhere you care to look! The number of people without jobs, lots of zeroes. Number of companies that go belly up, lots of zeroes. Number of people starving to death and dying as a result of hyperinflation, even MORE zeroes to be seen! In fact, the amount of zeroes that we will see will stretch all the way to the horizon and come back around again to bite us in the rear! Won’t that be absolutely wonderful? Some of the other zeroes of note; number of planes, trains and automobiles being made or going anywhere. Number of buses and taxis taking people to their job, zero. The number of people who not will be able to afford going to a doctor and getting good care, yes, you guessed it, it will soon be lots of zeroes on the end there. Number of people with no job to go to, even more zeroes.
Zero, what a fabulous concept to have bestowed upon us! It acts as a placeholder as well as an indicator of extreme good and bad at the same time. How could we ever do without the zero? Zero will be the new benchmark for measuring success or failure. How much breakfast did you have today? Zero? How many people will not have breakfast tomorrow? Certainly not just one zero, but many millions of them!! Zero will soon become the dominant theme of life, unfortunately.
Just how many zeroes will we see as we move forward? It’s not possible to count all of the places to look for zeroes in society let alone count all of them, but rest assured that there will be more of them than you’d ever want to see, unless you’ve got a company making them of course! Imagine that, more zeroes than could ever be counted, boy, talk about a lot of zeroes!! But it all adds up to one BIG zero, which is exactly what listening to the wrong people has given us; zero. Nothing, nada, zip and zilch. It’s a lesson to NOT listen to people who don’t know anything about the subjects of which they may speak. We have let the makers of false promises and opinions lead us down a garden path to destruction. We let them debase our monetary systems with lots and lots of zeroes created out of thin air. And what did they give to themselves? Some numbers with lots and lots of zeroes after them while we got just the zero and nothing more than that. The irony of the situation is that the zeroes that they gave to themselves and us will all soon be worth ZERO!! Yes, all of those absolutely wonderful ones and zeroes in the computers will convert into nothing but zeroes. How does it get any better than that??
Just like the concept of “Even better than the real thing”, we will soon have something so fantastic, so incredible that no one will be able to see it, it will be so far out of our reality and collective consciousness that no one will be able to comprehend it at all, and of course it will be another huge zero any way that you care to look at it! But then no one will be able to even know that it exists, right? A few might be able to suppose that it exists, but none will ever be able to prove it. That’s the wondrous part about the zero; is it there or isn’t it? Is it an indicator of good or bad? It will just depend upon whom you listen to, if you can’t see it for yourself.

    More about Randy Gaumond


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