GET SUPPORT FOR COURT VICTIMS Find other victims of the same dishonorable judges, unethical, immoral lawyers and corrupt government that ignores your cries for help and justice all while helping the these criminals FIND YOUR LOCAL SENATOR FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Report your problem to the Governor of California SEE THIS LINK If you don’t know about SBX-211 you need to, created by dishonest government allowing judges, banks, police and government to commit crimes without the fear of prosecution. AG Jerry Brown: Did Governor & Legislature Wipe Away The Penal Code for Judges & Government Officials? SBX 2 11 The Culprit? Interesting ties to SBX211Of course, as most of you are aware, the LA County judges, led by Chief Justice Ronald George, promptly ran up to Sacramento and submitted a a bill SBX-211 to the legislature while they were in an emergency budget session (which forbids them from considering extraneous bills) attempting to deal with a state budget shortfall around $19 BILLION. SIGN THE PETITION DEMANDING SBX-211 is removed SIGN HERE SIGN SECOND PETITION TO REPEAL SBX-211 SIGN AND SHARE HERE California is one of the worst states infected with Corruption by the courts The funny thing about Civil Rights And further, it documented that the California Judicial System is “out of control.” The citizenry of California just kept their eyes closed when it’s Governor and Attorney General (now Governor) signed off on SBX-211. If the ideological statement attributed to the legal mindset of the Judicial Branch of this Nation rings true…. “As does California, so does the Nation…” Then California’s SBX-211 should be remembered as by its true name: Charon. “Charon”, from Greek mythology is the Ferryman bringing the dead across the river Stix to hades. For California’s SBX-211… Read More