CHAPTER TWO INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOPATHS: MEGA-LAW-MANIA Traits Of A Psychopath: Boldness = Low fear including stress-tolerance, tolerance of unfamiliarity and danger, high self-confidence and social assertiveness. Disinhibition = Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, poor behavioral restraints. Meanness = Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, destructive excitement seeking 4. If you are arrested in California, the deck is stacked against you. For decades, the cops, prosecutors, judges, and politicians in power have eviscerated your constitutional rights to make their jobs easier to perform. Their livelihoods rely on law enforcement winning, and those in their path losing. You are collateral damage along their career path. Collusion at the highest levels tilts the tables against you, and towards the “police powerists” who use convictions as stepping stones and power chits. These powerful jobs attract people who desire power: psychopaths. Government j obs with uniforms, authority, guns, and badges are an attractive lure. 4 Patrick, C.; Fowles, D.; Krueger, R. (August 2009). Triarchic conceptualization of psychopathy: Developmental origins of disinhibition, boldness, and meanness. Development and Psychopathology. Cambridge University Press. 21 (3): 913-938. doU O. IOI 7/S0954579409000<!92. PMID 19583890. Studies have shown a number of careers that appeal to those with psychopathic tendencies. Jobs with overt power and authority are overlyrepresented on those lists. Law enforcement jobs are available to a broad spectrum of characters: From school yard bullies to Ivy League “Mean Girls.” There is a position of authority over others for every socio-economic level of abuser. By controlling the entire legal process: investigation, arrest, evidence, prosecution, sentencing, and even writing new laws, the psychopaths… Read More