Roger Stone Interviews Elderly Lives Matter USA Angelique Fawcette

ANGELIQUE FAWCETTE Elderly Lives Matter USA Statement: We are Real Activists Dedicated to Supporting and Preserving the Human & Civil Rights of the Elderly and Dependent Adults in America. Many Individuals over 50 years of age in our nation have proactively planned for their future retirement and end of life plans. Unfortunately, millions of Elderly Americans and Dependent Adults are victimized by unscrupulous individuals who seek to isolate them from their family and/or friends; over medicate them with drugs; liquidate their assets; drain their bank accounts/financial abuse; remove them from the familiarity and security of their homes; then force them into rest homes against their will where they are oftentimes physically, psychologically and even sexually abused. These proud and resolute citizens of our Nation, the Elderly, are currently an unprotected group of people. Oftentimes to some “old” equates “dead” and the Elderly are far from that. Those who intend the elderly harm, can be Conservators; Guardians; so-called “Honorable Justices” of the Probate Court; dishonest attorneys, legal representatives; and even blood relatives such as the victim’s own sons or daughters, friends and/or representatives. We are committed to fighting for Freedom and for the Human and Civil Rights of The Elderly. ARCHANGEL FILMS LA CEO – DIRECTOR – EXECUTIVE PRODUCER – PRODUCER – ACTIVIST [email protected] 310-490-1197 FOUNDER – ELDERLY LIVES MATTER USA MEMBER – WOMEN IN FILM, LOS ANGELES WEBSITE/MEDIA: WIKIPEDIA: WIKIPEDIA AFRICAN AMERICAN PRODUCER’S LIST: IG: @angeliquefawcette Read More