Watch “Death By Guardianship: Lillie’s Sister Speaks Out” on YouTube

The family is seeking justice for Lillie. To learn more about how this happened and support the family’s Civil Rights Fund, go to: After eight years of being attacked under a fraudulent guardianship and four years locked away from her loved ones, Dr. Lillie Sykes White died alone on December 31, 2020 at the age of 92. Her 85-year-old sister and upwards of fifty nieces and nephews were not told of her death at the time. This case, which is considered one of the most egregious in the country, reveals the cruelty of unchecked power to isolate and exploit seniors in secrecy and under the guise of “protecting” them. In this video, Lillie’s sister, Janie Sykes Kennedy, speaks out about her sister’s tragic death by guardianship. It never should have happened. When this ordeal began in 2012, Lillie was living independently enjoying her retirement in Palm Coast, Florida–cooking, shopping and driving her little sports Mercedes. Little did she know that her life would begin to end after a visit from a family friend and a decision to put her estranged granddaughter in her Trust even though she didn’t really know her as an adult. On behalf of the granddaughter, Lillie was viciously targeted by “The Firm”–a large law firm in Orlando that launched a multi-year campaign to strip Lillie of her rights so the granddaughter could control the Trust and the attorneys could benefit from the estate. In essence, they targeted a senior to steal her money and ultimately her life. For more on involuntary guardianship, go to Death By Guardianship: Lillie’s Sister Speaks Out Read More


Canadian mom seeks charges against California judge for kidnapping son

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Tamara Hall orders to kidnapping a child from Canada to California Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Tamara Hall Kidnapping Orders The terrifying, hand-written orders included “no visits to respondent” and there was no indication where the child would be taken since the father only had a UPS mailbox in California. To start, Judge Tamara Hall did not have jurisdiction to hear the father’s Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, that he filed on May 19 2015, because neither party met the residency requirements to obtain a judgement for a Dissolution of Marriage in California. The couple shared a sole family residence in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada with their 3-year-old child for over a year, they did not have a residence in California and they were not legally separated. When the father filed for emergency child custody orders two weeks later on June 5 2015, demanding instant sole legal custody of the three-year-old boy, no-contact with the mother, and the authorization to seize the child from another country without notice or opportunity to be heard, Judge Tamara Hall was not authorized to issue orders related to child custody matters. According to how the father filled out the Case Assignment Cover Sheet and Declaration Under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act when he filed his Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (only) in Los Angeles California, Judge Tamara Hall had absolutely no legal authority to hear child custody related matters. When Judge Hall issued the illegal kidnapping orders in chambers on June 5 2015, she knew the following information from the court file: The father filed for Dissolution of Marriage two weeks earlier, on May 19 2015. On the Summons, the father listed the mothers… Read More