The Britney Spears Case A Window on Judicial Corruption
One of the most notorious dishonorable and corrupt judges in Los Angeles County Probate Judge Reva G. Goetz stated “I think she can get married. I don’t think we ever removed that right from her. But you might not want to tell her that!”Ingham seemed to “laugh along and agree.” Samuel Ingham her lawyer whose made millions off Spears for years doing what accounts to legally (because it’s done in a court) but ethically (Illegally) transferring Britney Spears hard earned savings to his own estate. Ask Ingham’s other Probate Victim Ernest Moore about Inghams methods, or Kerri Casem who only had a fraction of Spears networth. Welcome to the legal Scam and Fraud known as Conservatorship/Guardianship that big law firms and the ABA don’t want outsiders to know about. Legal stealing by lawyers,judge approved. VIEW FROM HERE-California’s most secretive and most corrupt institution is its judiciary. Britney Spears is subject to a conservatorship under the Probate Department of Los Angeles County Superior Court. The state court is corrupt, from its Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye at its tippy top down to the court clerks. Those who do not go along are expelled. Things are so bad in California, that it is hard to say the conservatorship section is the worst since the criminal courts are infamous for railroading defendants with the use of lying jail house informants, for manufacturing evidence and for perjuring prosecutors. Anyone who threatens to expose corruption in the state court, such as former federal judge Alex Kozinski, can be kicked out. The Corruption Behind the Conservatorship of Britney Spears There are individuals who need a conservatorship of their finances (“estate”) and of their person. That need is an opportunity for the court either to help the… Read More