The Superior Court system in Los Angeles has become a joke for a city that has so much,yet so little,California is ranked F, at present and the Superior Court system here is next to third world as far as fraud, corruption and justice for profit. This system is denying its residents/Taxpayers their due process on so many levels, Banks, Escrow companies and title companies own the courts and they are attempting to own the land. Lawyers wont take a stand against these courts and their judges that’s how bad it has become.Please do the right thing and investigate and replace those who don’t want to play fair.
Apr 4th, 2019
Someone from San Gabriel, CA writes:
My husband was an employee at Los Angeles Department of Warer and Power. He has a Ph.D. and has done exceptional job as a chemist for the department by training other employees. But because of the ongoing discriminatory and retaliatory actions against him for filing an internal grievance about the corrupt and discriminatory promotion process, he never got promoted even though he is only one of the few working there with a Ph.D. degree. He was physically assaulted by an assistant supervisor who got promoted ahead of him despite not having as much job experience and degree credential. Not only was he denied proper justice, he was further retaliated against with excessive amount of work, excessive monitoring with his supervisors’ attempts to force him to commit errors with his work. When he was finally forced to make a mistake which could have been easily avoided had he not been piled so much work, he was denied the chance to correct the mistake (every employee is allowed to correct mistakes as part of the work protocol) and his mistake was grossly exaggerated to one that cannot be scientifically and evidentially supported. He is terminated because he was demoted to do the task of peeling labels and discarding sample waste which resulted in an additional workplace injury. When he reported this additional injury, he was immediately terminated with that supposed “mistake” that he so wanted to avoid and correct from a year ago. The Skelly Meeting and the city appeals both before a supposed arbitrator (Joseph Duffy) and some city commissioners went absolutely nowhere as they refused to consider any scientific evidence. They only consider what LADWP management colluded to say (a bunch of shameless and corrupt PERJURERS), as if a lie repeated many times by enough people, it would become the truth. LADWP went to strike our lawsuit down recently at the Superior Court. I have been following through this case for several years and the corruption and collusion within the whole judicial system is astounding. They have the appearance and facade of “due process” without the real substance. Everything they did was only formality. Whatever LADW managers and supervisors colluded to say (that is, to say only, WITHOUT EVIDENCE) becomes “evidence”, but whatever real object scientific and forensic evidence we present with my husband being also an eyewitness is brushed aside. I guess if I bring over all of my friends and relatives from all over the globe and say LADWP supervisors murdered someone, it would become the truth just because there are enough people repeating the same accusation, then by all means I can lock all of these managers and supervisors up for murders. With the same logic, the judicial system in Los Angeles is such that they consider enough perjurers repeating the same false accusations or claims to be “good evidence” and so they used such “evidence” (whatever they collide together to defame and perjure) to wrongfully terminate my husband and continue to deny him justice. These “judges” and “commissioners” who hold law degrees or have studied law should be utterly ashamed of themselves for such blatant distortion of justice. We should call the judicial system in Los Angeles CORRUPTION SYSTEM.
Aug 29th, 2016
Someone from South El Monte, CA writes:
I Lost my inheritance and my mom and our homes thanks to the court system I was never heard didn’t have an attorney wrote letters filed forms because of how much they have to benefit from the elderly there the ones who win win it all them the attorney and fiduciary’s judges when I’m reporting elder abuse and it’s ignored but my mom is being taken for money when both conservators are passing out money and not to caregivers

Mar 11th, 2017
Patrick M. from Los Angeles, CA writes:
The Los Angeles Superior Court is in my opinion a band of judicial gangsters, that are blatantly denying due process, ignoring valid evidence, violating the Constitution and extorting money from the people of Los Angeles all while being paid off by whichever party has the right price. as a pro se litigant I went up against a lawyer who claim to not be representing any of the defendants yet drafted every Motion in the case and they were all granted and my case was dismissed, even though the court had no jurisdiction as the defendant had no lawyer they had defaulted. A total joke…if you want justice stay away from these people. …you have better luck dealing directly with the Mob.Dec 6th, 2016
Jose H. from Alhambra, CA writes:
I totally agreed since i been emotionally financially and even mentally affected since i got so physical stressed knowing how this court will take my ex wife’s side since she all the time was a step forward in our case and always hiring a lawyer that I couldn’t afford for myself but i had all the time to pay for her attorney since I didn’t have on attorney the judges never pay attention to me and side by side with her lawyer always loosing case by case i little by little lost it all this court left me empty pocket and even my part of the divorce was then giving wrongfully to my ex wife she stole she kicked me out of my own house took my part of the half and half assets and properties and all thanks to the her lawyer that was in a deal with the judge at each case my ex even failed to report to court over payments she fail to follow the court orders she trespass and stole from a property she gave false testimony and i reported all this to the court and to the judge and they ignored me cause they were no getting profits from me as with my ex because the lawyer soplits with the judge they move in a way that I couldn’t believe i have another big story how the judge even moved a clerk from his desk then sent me to talk to a person who all she did was discouraged me from appealing the decision and only hand me the papers without helping me when the usual clerk helps people filling up the papers for people without attorney but this lady the judge sent one throw the papers to me in a very rude way please i need my case to be review as per i ended up on the streets thanks
California is one of the most corrupt Judicial states in America today, from the days of 1996-2011 Ronald M. George who named his own successor Tani Cantil-Sakauye.
Victims go into the millions with police, government and the courts in a huge cover up protecting a manipulated Justice system that is nothing about justice. The legal system in California is designed to destroy family, estates, children’s lives and freedom via dishonest judges and lawyers controlled by a gang called the ABA American Bar Association.
Be sure to scroll down the page for info how to report and file complaints.
Mar 13th, 2017
Someone from Los Angeles, CA writes:

Appellate court denies challenge to LA judges’ ‘double-dipping’ practice Los Angeles County provides Superior Court judges more than $46,400 each in annual benefits, including supplemental health and retirement benefits, while judges in other counties receive substantially fewer supplemental benefits or none at all. The legal fight began in April 2006, when Sturgeon filed suit in Los Angeles Superior Court asking that the county be stopped from paying benefits to judges because they were also receiving them from the state through legislation passed in 1997. Mr. Trump is right, the system is rigged.


Who to report unethical, corrupt or dishonorable judges to:

How Do I File a Complaint?

Complaints must be in writing. You may use the commission’s Complaint Form or write a letter to the commission. Electronic filing of complaints is not available; complaints must be submitted to the commission office:
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400
San Francisco, California 94102
File a complaint to the Commission on Judicial Performance
With the Commission on Judicial Performance make sure before you file you read the “HOW TO” Below:

Do you want to make a complaint against a California judge? We get asked this a lot: “How do I do it?” If you really want to do it, first there is homework to do. If you don’t do the homework, you are wasting your time making a half-baked complaint to the Commission on Judicial Performance.
The first homework assignment consists of four things:
(1) Read the ANNOTATED Code of Judicial Ethics published by the California Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions, here:
(2) Read the Rules of the Commission on Judicial Performance, here:
(3) Read the Commission on Judicial Performance audit results published by the California State Auditor, here:
(4) Watch this video of the former CJP director forced by the legislature to describe how the agency internally handles complaints against judges.
If you’re not willing to put in the time to do this homework you are setting yourself up for disappointment when you make a complaint against a judge. If you do the homework, there is a chance that your complaint will get somewhere.
It’s that simple.
Use the “County Law Library – Self-Help – How To” topic tag, or this link, for more self-help and how-to subjects:
Question: What do superior court presiding judges do? A: The duties and obligations of presiding judges are listed here in our virtual county law library:
Among other things, presiding judges handle complaints against all the judges in the county, including temporary judges (judge pro tem), and private judges. If you want to make a complaint against a superior court judge, you can make the complaint with the presiding judge or the Commission on Judicial Performance, or both.
Q: Who is the presiding judge in my county? The link below goes to a Judicial Council webpage that includes a list of presiding judges for each county.
Q: How do I make a complaint to the presiding judge in my county? Our virtual county law library includes a sample complaint to a presiding judge letter, at this link:
Government Agencies:
File a report with your City Attorney
You will have to google your City Attorney
File a report with your State Attorney
File with the US Government
File with Department of Justice
File with the Federal Bureau of Investigation Find your field Officer
Complain and ask for help from your congressman or congresswoman.
Above you can enter you address to find your rep or search a list of reps
If Identity theft took place file a report HERE
Use the form at the bottom of the page and send your judge and case info to us to add a page to
Search Your Tube for your judges name

Enter you Judge to be Monitored HERE
Make sure you file a review for your judge to warn others:
The Robing Room “Where Judges are Judged”
Bad judges don’t like being exposed for their crimes, bribery and abuse.
1. Create a dedicated website
2. Get on Facebook to find other victims
Create a group twitter
Create a page
3. Join Twitter find and follow other victims

Corrupt California Judges
If you’re a victim of an unethical Judge you need to find support and network with other victims. Where there is one unethical judge there are usually more.
The American Legal System is based on MONEY not Justice, remember that when paying your $250 and up lawyer. Remember that when the judge rules in favor of MONEY not justice or what is morally correct.
Richard Fine exposed many in his quest to expose the corruption in California courts.
Remember judges are no better than anyone else on the street. They’re often bad lawyers who found their way via perhaps not so ethical means to the bench where they continue their crimes and abuse of the people. The problem is the immunity and protection given to them. The fact that police are their muscle and rarely to never will act against them. This is how criminal hide behind a black rob of shame and the word “LAW”.
Corrupt California Judges
Judge David P. Yaffe
Judge Ann Jones Bar 114921
Judge Robert O’
Judge Elihu Berle,
Judge Carolyn B. Kuhl Bar 85236
Judge Joesph Brannigan Bar 65276
Judge Aviva K. Bobb Bar 50146
Judge Socrates Manoukian Bar 77289
More unethical judges with questionable histories
Report Corrupt California Judges to:
State of California Commission on Judicial Performance
Complaints Against California Judges
Lawless America Corruption Reports for Judges
Judges as Criminals
Judges above the Law
Center for Judicial Excellence
Other helpful Info
How To Deal With A Bad Judge
Citizens for Criminal Justice
The Black Wall of Silence
Center for Judicial Excellence
Join FACEBOOK and find other victims and Network
News Stories
43 California judges were reprimanded for misconduct last year
Videos supporting an epidemic of Corruption and crime by California judges
Watch the video account of a father destroyed by finding out almost all California judges are accepting bribes

Who is watching what these DISHONORABLE JUDGES are doing?


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