Santa Clara County Court
Zip 95113
Court division Criminal
Case Number B2101291
Judge Name: Stephen V. Manly
Lawyer Name: Mairead O’Keefe PD
He has been in California since late 2020. He has been in Santa Clara county DOC since June 5, 2021. They currently have him in capacity court. Say he needs mental health rehab. They do that to everybody they pick up that’s homeless. He was living out of his truck when he arrived in California. He was in Mountain View California in Santa Clara county. Living out of his truck in a park within Mountain View. Mountain view Police department officers approached him on the night of 3/31/21 and raped him prior to taking him to jail. We’re not gonna be a rape/21 and raped him prior to taking him to jail. Would not provide him with a rape kit when he requested once he got there.
When they released him the next day he went to Stanford Hospital and got one down there and filed a report with Palo Alto Police Department. Then a couple days later he had to go to file a formal complaint against Mountain View Police Department at Mountain View. Shortly after that they kept harassing him about his truck and they ended up towing his truck and he was unable to get it out d/t funds not available & it was having mechanical issues.
About a week later the female officer that had it towed filed charges against him for stalking her. She said all he did was go to her residence and ring her doorbell he never talked to her. About a week later the female officer that had it towed filed charges against him for stalking her. She said all he did was go and her up and ring her doorbell he never even talk to her. That’s when they arrested him and put him in jail on June 5, 2021. They beat him up in jail once he got there. The jail staff then threw him in the mental health unit at the jail where he been ever since, even though he’s the sanest person in the unit.
His full name is Rhett Axle Dean Anderson. He was in the National Guard as a female at the time and under his female name.
Please use this form to contact Family of Rhett Axle Dean Anderson
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