Margaret Baker Cook Court Victim

Beloved Court Victim Margaret Baker Cook Mother of Cheryl Cook Mama (Margaret Cook) was a 82 year old woman living in her own home with her daughter, visiting her friends every afternoon, going to exercise class twice a week, going to doctor appointments once a month for various check-ups and had a CNA coming in 5 times a week to help with her bath. Unfortunately, because of a lifetime of second hand smoke, Houston air pollution, allergies and a deviated septum, she needed a cleanable house. She also had osteoarthritis in both knees and was not a candidate for knee replacements. She owned 3 houses; I was trying to move her to the house that had a bathroom big enough to accommodate a wheelchair and an attendant. This house also had a fairly new HAVC system with new duct work. It was also easy to get her out of it in case of fire. Every room had at least 2 or 3 escapable doors and or windows. It had a fenced yard for our pets. The house was also close to our local hospital, some of her childhood friends and help for me (the caregiver). My brothers and sister (who have never done anything to help me with caregiving duties -except to criticize my efforts) went into orbit and, without consulting me – took out a guardianship on her. Of course, I tried to fight it – with no success. The GP alleged doctor who signed the papers said she needed it because “her children could not get along.” Anyway, they made all kinds of promises about how they were going to move into the house and take care of her. She would have real nurses looking after her and… Read More