Corrupt Judge Robert M. Dibella

Judge Robert M. DiBella is a justice of the Supreme Court 9th Judicial District of New York. Elected on November 8, 2011 . He previously served as acting supreme court justice of the Westchester County Court. Judge Robert M DiBella worked as law clerk and attorney to Judge Anthony Scarpino of Westchester County Surrogate’s Court before becoming a County Court judge in 2004 Victims: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein Details:       Judge Robert DiBella deprives Competent Elderly Woman of Legal Rights Commentary of Kenneth Ellman to the attached Video/Statement Under Oath of Mrs. Eva DePasquale. The below commentary is strictly my personal opinion. The Video, Transcript and Medical Evaluations speak for themselves. Title: In the Matter of Eva DePasquale, an elderly woman deprived of her civil rights upon bogus allegations of incapacity. A warning to all New Yorkers. Supreme Court, County of Westchester. Also known as “Judge Robert DiBella deprives Competent Elderly Woman of Her Legal Rights”. Copyright Kenneth Ellman 2013, All Rights Reserved. Unfortunately for the people of the State of New York and Mrs. Eva DePasquale and her family, Robert DiBella continues to sit as a Judge. My contact with Robert DiBella arose when I was investigating allegations of Medical Illness and Incapacity Due to Age in this very interesting case. The case was compelling because anyone who spent time with the allegedly incapacitated Mrs. Eva DePasquale had to come to one compelling conclusion; that she has as much awareness, understanding and competence as anyone her age should have and certainly was entitled to her rights to make decisions for herself whatever they may be. This case is an example of how an adult child, in this case one of her sons, sought to prevent his mother from… Read More


Corrupt Judge Janet C. Malone

Victims: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein Details:       HISTORY Janet C. Malone is a judge for the Supreme Court 9th Judicial District of New York elected in the general election November 8, 2016. Malone was a judge on the Westchester County Family Court from 2008 to 2016 Prior to her judicial career Malone worked as New York County District Attorney, a practitioner of counties of Bronx and Westchester, New York, an associate at Westchester County law firm and support magistrate for Westchester County Family Court. She joined the court bench in 2008. New York held general elections on November 8, 2016. A primary election was held September 13, 2016. The filing deadline for candidates running in the election was July 14, 2016. Incumbent Linda S. Jamieson, Janet C. Malone, and Thomas E. Walsh II ran unopposed in the election for three open seats on the New York Supreme Court 9th Judicial District. JUDGE JANET C MALONE Judge Janet C. Malone has conspired with CPS {Child Protected Services}; Police Departments; and local agencies to willfully and intentionally falsifying records to illegally remove minor children from their biological parents. Since 2008 to the present Judge Malone conduct is unlawful and a direct violation of her Oath of office, she has on multiple occasion stated that the “Constitution Was Not Allowed” in her Court Room, I guess Judge Malone has never read Malbury v. Madison, were the highest court in the land stated that no law can overrule or even contradict with the supreme law of the land; and if your laws, rules, or procedures try to overruled the Supreme Law of the land then your Laws, rules or procedures are NULL and VOID! And to deny someone a law that’s secured by… Read More