Chief Information Officer Michael Armstrong

CASTROGATE.COM CORRUPT CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER MICHAEL ARMSTRONG Former City of San Antonio Chief Information Officer , Former Corpus Christi Texas CIO Now that the umbrella of “protection” by corrupt officials and law enforcement evaporated once President Trump took office many unscrupulous officials, judges, attorneys, cops, etc. will be investigated and prosecuted . Michael Armstrong is one such dishonest, unethical, corrupt person. As San Antonio Texas Chief Technology Officer Michael Armstrong played a central, pivotal role in the ongoing RICO-like criminal conspiracy to conceal decades of public / police corruption involving tens of millions of public dollars. Armstrong joined in efforts to conceal the theft / fraud when it was reported in 2005 and retaliated against whistle-blowers in 2006. Corrupt City of San Antonio, Texas officials/employees have since 1982 secretly , illegally dumped invoices, bills, fake statements ,altered documents, etc. into an internal telephone billing account – the “telephone variable” and used the City’s Avaya Telephone Contract to fraudulently bill individual city departments, state/federal agencies and others for “ghost” expenses. These bogus invoices and bills were not for 911/telephone costs, were not associated with state/federal grants, were not the responsibility of the department/entity being billed, were altered to hide the true identity of the user, contained known fraudulent accounting of hours worked and other expenses, were used for illegal contracts with unauthorized vendors containing huge markups and were NEVER approved by Council / taxpayers. Since 1982 up to $5.2 million a year was spent with no Council approval, no public input,no open bidding, no Finance Dept approval, no City ordinance, etc. fraudulent use of the “variable” violated the Law, City Administrative Directive 6.12, City ordinances, open bidding regulations, state/federal grants rules, Local Government Code, OMB regulations, HUD regulations, c. Internal City… Read More