Corrupt Deputy City Manager Peter Zanoni

CASTROGATE.COM CORRUPT DEPUTY CITY MANAGER PETER ZANONI Former Budget Director…City of San Antonio TX Now that the umbrella of “protection” by corrupt officials and law enforcement evaporated once President Trump took office many unscrupulous officials, judges, attorneys, cops, etc. will be investigated and prosecuted . Peter Zanoni is once such dishonest, unethical, corrupt person. Corrupt City of San Antonio, Texas officials / employees have since 1982 secretly , illegally dumped invoices, bills, fake statements , altered documents, etc. into an internal telephone billing account – the “telephone variable” and used the City’s Avaya Telephone Contract to fraudulently bill individual city departments, state/federal agencies and others for “ghost” expenses. Zanoni has an annual salary of $204,750 and was the City’s Budget Director when he joined in other City witnesses providing sworn testimony under oath in court that it was legal to wander over to the IT Department and pick up millions of dollars when you wanted any money or if your department ran out of money during any budget year with no public input, no city ordinance, no Council vote, no Finance Dept. approval, no taxpayer oversight, etc…… Attorney Malinda Gaul , Bexar County TX 57th District Judge Antonia Arteaga, attorney Deborah Klein, attorney Mark Kosanovich, attorney Michael Bernard ( brother of White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard) , City IT Director Hugh Miller, City CIO Richard Varn , Deputy City Manager Peter Zanoni, Texas Ranger Hank Whitman and others conspired to finance a “Fraud upon our Court” with tax dollars and to conceal reams of critical evidence in an effort to cover-up decades of criminal activity and public / police corruption . They presented a well-rehearsed fabrication to the Court while they hid material evidence directly contradicting false testimony offered under… Read More